Uchinai Hime

Uchinai Hime (noble lady of divination) is a goddess of the Creation Dynasty, worshipped by the Hisuijin as provider of predictions of the future events and advises.   She's living and is known in the land of The Fox Empire, but the rest of her closes family are the prominent gods of Neakhora Phili / Pracya Jata people.

Divine Domains

Most of rituals and prayers directed at her concern with dredicting the future event and giving general audience. In other word, her main domain is the divination.   She is also revered with problems relating to knowledge and scholarship, even among scholar priests serving different gods.


She is known for possesing multiple mysterious artifacts, notable ones:   The Coffin of Seclusion - divine object of unkown origin. Normally, it has the shape of small cube-like box with the small level. When the lever is pulled, the object changes it's shape to ressemble coffin in such way and size to compeletly close off the person who pulled it. The coffin-cage lets through the sounds from ouside to inside, but not in the reverse. It completly isolates the inside from any sound and air (highly dangerous for morals) from the outside. As it's a divine object, it makes inside of it unpeterable for the reality alteration of the gods. After closing off, there is also another lever on the inside, pulling which makes the coffin return to the boxed shape. The material is very sturdy and requires the force that could destroy the sicy in order to breach it.   Autonomous Spider and the Security Needles - divine object of unkown origin. It's shape ressembles the dog-sized spider. It's material is metallic and is increddibely sturdy. Most of the time, the Spider is inanimate and does nothing, hower it  does have a function when paired with the Security Needles - other divine objects, with most likely the same (unkown) origin as the Spider. The Needles comes in two sizes - larger ones in the number of six and smaller ones in the number of 4. The larger ones are used to mark the borders of the area in which the Spider operates (the place in which the Spider is located is always considered the Area) byt putting their pointy ends in the material. The smaller ones are kept closely by the "trusted" people. When a person (no matter god, human, oni etc.) enters the area of the Spider, the Spider activates and start attacking the intruder. It bites are generating the poison that counts as part of it (so gods cannot remove it), which is something that could kill vast majority of targets. It also posses the ability of walking on the walls and inredibely high jumps. When there is no intruder in the area anymore (either by leaving or by dying), the Spider comes back to the place it was inactive. People keeping the smaller needles are ignored by the Spider. Uchinai Hime keeps the "outer" parts of her residence as the Spider-area to protect her home and collections from the intruders.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

There are four words commonly used as the symbol of hers when written:
  • Seen
  • Thought
  • Revealed
  • Understood

Tenets of Faith

Generally, she doesn't have very specific tenets. There is one thought, that's commonly happening, though: "Knowledge has a price". Therefore, nearly all forms of trying to receive the divination or couincil from her involve making a sacrifice. Generally speaking, she rarely takes any attention, unless the sacrfice has been made out of the greater animal. Human sacrifices are known to be especially sucessful with her, although done relatively rarely (it does happen in legal way, though).   Her priests are generally organized in the mystery cults, which preserve and keep secret specific knowledge which ritauls grab her attention in the best way and generally know how to deal with her (she can be dangerous at times), acting like the medium between her and the person who wants to have the knowledge revealed.   Naturally, there are people who practice sacrifices to her on their own, but it can be a risky endevour.


The great sacrifice is commited for her during the Fith Day of the Holiday Period in each bigger settlement to get the knowledge what are the best advices for the society as a whole for the upcoming year.   Those sacrifices are generally quite extensive, with human sacrifices being fairly common on this occasions.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Using her knowledge to spread useful information for the people who seem to take the effor to get them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ressembling short, petite, slender woman with brown skin and a massive ammount of extremly long, jet black hair.

Body Features

Petite, short body with very little features, muscles or fat. Arms and legs, hands and feet, fingers and toes slender and long in proportion to the body. Skin of lighter brown tone. Her body is surrounded my massive ammount of extremly long, jet black, straight hair.   If she was standing on her feet, she would measure about 140 cm in height.

Facial Features

Bright, slightly glowing eyes in the color of magenta. Narrow chin.

Physical quirks

Her long and massive hair can be moved like the limbs. Uchinai Hime is commonly using them to walk on or as the additional "arms" with her main body barely toughting any ground. As her legs are freed from the needd of walking, she is using them in the same way as she would use the arms. While less useful, due to the shape of the foot compared to the hand, they are still dexterious enough to actually do something with them.

Special abilities

Form Knoweldge - Uchinai Hime possess the undderstanding of the Form. This allow her to study nature of the other beings in more details than usual, by analising thier Forms really closely. She also can alter their Forms directly with less effort than most of the gods. She is also to change her own Form slightly, but not much.   Detailed physics - she is able to analyse and alter objects and energy on microscopic scale including changing the atomic structure (at times achieving transmutation), forcing chemical reactions of various kinds or apply incredibely small force in astonishing precision.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears loose clothes that are modified Kitsune Folk fashion, with very wide sleeves and pantlegs. Both arms and legs are covered in essentially the same clothing. Due to the fact that she's rarely using legs to walk, and that she's using them as the secondary pair of arms, she's always barefoot.

Personality Characteristics


Her primary motivation in life seems to be selfishly trying to aqure knowledge and gain the understanding about how reality works. As such, she spends most of her time alone in her isolated residence, taking notes and performing research experiments, with her home being essentially a giant library/archive/laboratory.   That said, she's isn't living in the complete isolation. She cannot gather materials by that. However, her leaving her residence is still occasional. She doesn't travel in the general meaning of the word and instead she relies on her human followers. Herlong life and aquired knowledge allowed her to give people useful advices, during which she often finds the ways to get more knowledge from them, at times even appearing in front of them to take something from their place. She knows that she would completly overwhelm herself mentally if she tried to Connect with any human who asked, so she has made a rule to give priority to the people who actually decided to sacrifice something for her advice. She simply considers people who are willing to take an effort and pay certain price more worthwhile to interact with.   She seems to have no concern for morality.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Learning new things
  • Inventing
  • Feeling in control
  • Reading
  • Caligraphy
  • Unusual dishes
  • People wanting things from her for free
  • Intruders
  • Walking and running on her feet
  • Having her body restrained

Virtues & Personality perks

Creative and dedicated, she can truly achieve greatness when it comes to understanding the Law and inventing new pieces of technology. Due to her interactions it spreads, imporving life of the people (even if it does extremly slowly). Her guidance she offers often genuinely helps people.

Vices & Personality flaws

Extremly selfish and completly unconcerned with morality, she hoards the knowledge all for herself with sharing only droplets of it for the people she founds "worthwhile" by them paying, arbitrary and ultimately unnececary, the price.   Sometimes, arbitrarily, she can make specific people suffer over completly petty reasons. Her pettiness also concerns anyone she feels jelous about in terms of gathering things that interests her.   She's known to performing experiments on a lif subjects without any concern for their well-being, with the discovery being her only goal.


Contacts & Relations

Due to the jelousy for his collection of unusual things, she considers Raiden-Yuki to be her rival. She want to prove to herself that she is superior and that regard and possibly to take some of the collection to herself. Those feelings one-way, though.

Family Ties

She posses an Aspect of the Janaka Deva, the father of the main gods worshipped by the Neakhora Phili / Pracya Jata people, which makes her the descendant of his. As such, she initally lived among the rest of the double-tonguer gods untill one day she got into the serious argument with them. She ended up leaving her old move and moved north into the The Fox Empire. Noways, she doesn't have any contact with the rest of her family.    
Divine Classification
Vibrant magenta
Extremly long and black, movable
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lighter brown
140 cm


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