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Star Oats

Kmúþic: Kúes Nalpra-úr /kuːɛs naːlphraʔuːr/
Kúes Nalpra-úr (kmúþíska)
Ælean: Þvúðei /θvuːðeiː/
Æjalan/Jolþic: Fúðei /fuːðeiː/

Star oats1 are cereals native to the the Þjan Tundra in northern Jælondis, related to other hardy grasses collectively known as night oats that grow in that region, and the only one that has been domesticated, specifically by the Þjaric Elves who inhabit both the tundra as well as the northern Iðlía Forest.

Basic Information


Star oats, like other species in the night oat family, are peculiar for needing the light of the moon, stars and aurora to grow rather than sunlight, an adaptation to the long, dark winters on the tundra. Like more mundane oats, the plant lays dormant during the summer, though it's due to not tolerating direct sunlight rather than the heat. They are able to withstand the bitter cold by producing a kind of natural antifreeze, which thaws the surrounding soil as well.
The seeds are white with black tips, which is why they are often likened to aurochs horns and commonly known as aurochs grain by many jælondic and southlandic Humans.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The þjaric elves, particularly Æleans, have used star oats and related plants for food for millennia, though their domestication remained on a relatively small scale up until Þjaris cut off ties to the outside world. During this period, selective breeding produced new varieties that produced more grains and could be grown in the northernmost region of the woods, making them now the main cereal in Ælea and an important crop to stave off potential famines during winter and early spring for the neighbouring Jolþi and Æjalans.
Star oats are grown in certain countries in the Southlands as well, especially in Fjún, New Þamta and Númra.
However, wild star oats are still harvested to some extent, both for use in certain rituals and as a kind of spice due to the mild peppery flavour which the domesticated ones lack.

Average Intelligence

About as smart as red oats.

1Original icelandic: stjörnuhafrar.
Northern Jælondis


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