

Ebonkeep is a city renowned for its rich scholarly and magical heritage, nestled high on the edge of the Darkspawn Peaks in the western part of the Azmarian Republic. It serves as the center of magical learning and research within the Republic and is home to the prestigious House Visk, known for their scholarly pursuits and contributions to magical sciences.  


Ebonkeep is perched on the mountainous edge of the Darkspawn Peaks, offering breathtaking views and a naturally fortified position. The city’s elevation and remote location have made it an ideal place for study and contemplation, away from the distractions of more bustling urban centers.  

Key Features

  • Scriptorum Sanctorum: The central hub of House Visk’s magical research and learning. This grand library and academy connect various outposts across the Republic, allowing for a fluid exchange of knowledge and resources. It is a place where scholars, wizards, and students gather to study ancient texts and develop new magical theories. Arlo Visk, the reclusive leader of House Visk, resides here, rarely using Ebon Castle.
  • Temple of Dyara : The main temple in Ebonkeep, dedicated to Dyara, the Keeper of Knowledge. It serves as a place of worship and a repository of wisdom, where clerics and scholars alike come to seek guidance and enlightenment. The temple houses a unique library where intelligent owls order and arrange the books and scrolls, adding an enchanting touch to the scholarly atmosphere.
  • Shrine of Sarus: A secluded shrine dedicated to Sarus, the Lady of Shadows. Tucked away in the northwestern part of the city, it is accessed through an unassuming door beneath a set of stone stairs, marked only by a carved owl’s face above the entrance. The shrine is known for its cryptic answers and the acolytes who wear black cloaks and owl masks, offering guidance in exchange for a toll.
  • The Librarian's Lament: A popular tavern among the city's scholars and students. It is a place for relaxation and intellectual discussions, often filled with the sounds of debates and the clinking of mugs.
  • The Paper Trail: A well-known bookstore that provides an extensive collection of books, scrolls, and magical tomes. It is frequented by those seeking rare and ancient knowledge.
  • Ebon Castle: The stronghold at the heart of Ebonkeep, serving as both a defensive structure and the administrative center of the city. Though it is rarely used by Arlo Visk, it remains an important symbol of House Visk's power and legacy.
  • Magnus Infinium: The city guard, trained not only in weapon combat but also in the basics of magic. This elite force ensures the security of Ebonkeep and is known for their discipline and knowledge.

Key NPCs

  • Arlo Visk: The reclusive leader of House Visk, rarely seen in public since the tragic loss of his wife and child during a goblin attack. Despite his seclusion, Arlo continues to manage the affairs of House Visk from the Scriptorum Sanctorum.
  • Rankum Mightguard: A dwarf cleric who works at the Temple of Dyara. Known for his wisdom and stern demeanor, he offers guidance to those who seek knowledge and enlightenment.
  • Nedda Hillfoot: A halfling cleric at the Temple of Dyara. Warm and approachable, Nedda is beloved by the community for her kindness and dedication to helping others.
  • Erro Willowbirth Moroberos Craceron Fensalor ("Erro Willowbirth"): A Firbolg leader of the Farming Guild. Erro is a gentle giant with a deep love for nature and agriculture. His extensive knowledge of farming and his leadership skills have made him a respected figure in Ebonkeep. Known for his slow, deliberate manner of speech, Erro takes his time to choose his words carefully, often reflecting his thoughtful nature. He is often sought by both farmers and scholars for his insights into sustainable agriculture and natural magic.


Ebonkeep’s economy is largely driven by its status as a center of magical and scholarly pursuits. The presence of the Scriptorum Sanctorum attracts scholars, wizards, and students from across the Republic and beyond, fostering a vibrant community of intellectuals. The city’s market caters to the needs of these residents, offering rare books, magical components, and other scholarly supplies.  


Ebonkeep is a city of knowledge and learning, where intellectual pursuits are highly valued. The community is close-knit, with a strong sense of camaraderie among its residents, particularly those involved in the magical and scholarly fields. The city’s unique location and focus on knowledge create a serene and contemplative atmosphere, ideal for study and research.


The City is guards are known as the Magnus Infinium a group trianed not only in weapon combat but also with an understand of magic.

Guilds and Factions

Points of interest

  • Scriptorum Sanctorum - The Physical location of the Scriptorum.
  • Temple of Dyara - Central Temple in the city of Ebonkeep
  • Shrine of Sarus - A shrine to Sarus tucked away in the North West of the city.
  • The Librarian's Lament - Tavern
  • The Paper Trail - Bookstore
  • Ebon Castle - Stronghold at the Heart of Ebonkeep.
Large city
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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