Blue Dragon

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

When raising their offspring, blue dragons are attentive and effective parents who rarely leave their young to fend for themselves.

Ecology and Habitats

Blue dragons prefer hot, arid, sandy deserts, but can also be found in steppes and badlands. They make their homes in vast underground caverns, with the more grand ones being preferred by blue dragons. Most often, their lairs are located at the base of cliffs and ravines where sand can bury the entrances. As blue dragons can burrow through sand with ease, they prefer to keep their entrances hidden in this way. Even those who lair in ruins still prefer to be buried beneath sands or loose dirt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cooking their meals with their lightning breath, a blue dragon eats anything it can find that lives in its environment, but preferably larger herd animals like camels. Caravans crossing a desert must always be mindful of the chance a blue dragon is on the wing.


When a blue dragon prepares to attack, or when it is enraged, the air fills with the smell of ozone and rivulets of lightning crackle and pop along its body. Its body is easily visible in its preferred environment, so when it wishes to be less conspicuous, a blue dragon will burrow into the sand until only the top of its head is exposed. From a distance, the great horn often appears to be more of a jagged rock than the horn of a dangerous dragon. However, they most often fly in the desert sky during the day, where their blue body can be difficult to spot amidst the blue sky.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Blue dragons are creatures that love order and establish hierarchies amongst themselves. Lower-status dragons pay homage to and accept judgment from those of higher status. However, both positions can be dangerous, as lower-status dragons may desire to reach higher status and must choose between fighting for it or leaving to find a new hierarchy to join.
When it comes to mating rituals and relationships, blue dragons enjoy elaborate and extravagant displays of affection. These include offering food and treasure, making grandiose announcements to other blue dragons, and gaining the approval of the highest-ranking dragon in the region. Polygamy is common among blue dragons, but every dragon respects their relationships and only gains new mates with consent after the appropriate rituals have been performed.

Facial characteristics

A blue dragon has distinctively frilled ears and a single massive horn atop its relatively short and blunt head. The horn juts forward from the base, which takes up the majority of the top of the head, and slightly curves as it reaches the tip, with a secondary tip just below the first. Rows of hornlets adorn the brow around the base of the major horn, extending from nostrils to the nape of the neck. Its short snout has an underbite, and its chin is defined by sharp, oversized scales, while the jaw is lined with another row of hornlets. Many of the teeth remain visible even when the mouth is closed.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
~2300 yrs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The scales of a blue dragon range in color from iridescent cerulean to deep violet, shining from years of exposure to rough sand and stones. Despite age, a blue dragon's scales remain consistent in size, but grow thicker and harder over time. If one were to get close enough, the dragon's hide practically hums with built-up electrical energy.


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