Deep Dragon

Basic Information


Deep dragons are unique in their anatomy compared to other dragon species. Their bodies are long, slender, and agile, bearing a resemblance to a snake. This unique body structure allows them to navigate the tight, winding confines of their subterranean dwellings with ease. Their scales are a distinct, deep purple hue, almost black, which provides a natural camouflage in the shadowy environment of The World Below. As deep dragons age, a fascinating phenomenon occurs: fungi begin to proliferate on their skin, particularly around their head and neck regions, creating a unique and somewhat eerie appearance that signals their age and power.

Ecology and Habitats

Deep dragons inhabit the mysterious realm of The World Below, a sprawling network of subterranean caverns, tunnels, and hidden cities extending beneath the surface world. They prefer well-concealed caves or sunless beaches, hidden from prying eyes. These secluded habitats often require the ability to fly or dive underwater to reach, reflecting the adventurous spirit of these dragons. Their lairs are intricate labyrinths filled with secret passages and hiding spots, not simple caves. This complex layout provides multiple escape routes or ambush points, making their lairs a perilous place for any intruder.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Deep dragons are known for their carnivorous eating habits, with a distinct preference for "seafood". This preference extends to a wide variety of marine life including clams, all sorts of fish, kuo-toa, and even the formidable aboleths. Their underwater diet is diverse and flexible, reflecting their ability to adapt to their environment. However, their diet is not restricted to aquatic life; they are known to consume nearly anything that they come across. Societies residing in The World Below often establish trade agreements with a deep dragon, offering the dragon food in order to placate the dragon or convince it to guard their territory.


Deep dragons are recognized for their exceptional patience, cunning strategies, and strong sense of self-preservation. They do not rush into situations but rather bide their time, waiting for the optimal moment to act. This patience is coupled with their cunning nature, making them master strategists who can outwit opponents. As creatures of instinct and survival, they prioritize their self-preservation above all else.

While they are willing to engage in combat if necessary, their preferred method of action leans more towards manipulation and negotiation. They derive satisfaction from outsmarting their opponents rather than engaging in direct physical combat, showing a preference for using their intellect over brute force. They are astute negotiators, often striking deals that heavily favor them. In every interaction, they quickly assess the usefulness of the creature they are dealing with. If a creature does not serve their interests or prove beneficial to their cause, they will not hesitate to disregard it entirely, demonstrating their ruthless pragmatism and self-interested nature.

Deep dragons are not simply physical creatures; they are intellectual entities imbued with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They take great pleasure in collecting a diverse array of trivia, insights, techniques, and knowledge from the most far-off and exotic places. This collection is not limited to the ephemeral; they also have a fondness for tangible objects of power. They see these items not just as treasures but as tools, integrating them into their daily lives and practices.

Some deep dragons even take on the form of humanoids that inhabit the same underworld as them. They live among them in disguise, giving them an unparalleled opportunity to observe, learn, and acquire even more knowledge. This demonstrates that their existence is not just about physical survival, but also about the constant pursuit of intellectual growth and enrichment.

Genetic Ancestor(s)


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