White Dragon

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

White dragons reject hierarchy and society, except for reproduction. When they find a mate, they engage in carnal pleasure simply for the joy of it. They are often the most sexually active of all dragons. However, they become inattentive parents when their copulation produces fertilized eggs that hatch. While parents will let their children move in for a time, they expect them to fend for themselves outside of providing shelter.

Ecology and Habitats

These dragons prefer frigid climates, such as the arctic and high mountains. Their lairs are often icy caves and deep subterranean chambers, shielded from the heat of the sun.

Dietary Needs and Habits

White dragons will only consume food that has been frozen. If the dragon has recently frozen a creature solid with its arctic breath, it won't take long for it to consume it. Otherwise, the dragon will store the carcass inside a snowbank within or near its lair until it is suitable for consumption. If you find bodies of creatures buried in the snow, it may indicate the presence of a white dragon nearby.


White dragons are generally considered the smallest and most animalistic of all "true dragons." It would be unwise to call them unintelligent, since they display great cunning when hunting and fighting. However, they tend to be hasty, only planning enough to know where to ambush and lie in wait. Their memories are vast, particularly when it comes to slights against them, which they hold onto indefinitely. They typically have little patience for spellcasting, but will learn magic and spells that aid them in defending their homes or hunting prey.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The head of a white dragon has a streamlined profile, featuring a small, sharp beak and a pointed chin. Atop the head sits a crest, supported by a single backward-curving spine. The creature also boasts scaled cheeks, spiny dewlaps, and prominent teeth.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A newly hatched white dragon appears pure white and glistens as if touched by morning frost. However, this sheen disappears with age. Eventually, splotches of pale blue and light grey scales will intermix with the white.


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