Silver Dragon

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

A silver dragon always mates outside of its familial clan. Both hierarchs of the prospective mates' families have to approve the match, which is rarely withheld. These pairings are typically for life in the case of silver dragons, but not always. One of the pair will leave its current clan for its mate's, and usually, it is the younger of the two.

Ecology and Habitats

Silver dragons have a love for mountains and vast open skies. They choose isolated peaks and sometimes clouds as their lairs, even enchanting sections of the clouds to make solid flooring. It is not uncommon to find them dwelling within towns or other places where they can blend in well while in humanoid form.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Silver dragons are omnivores and are taught from a very young age to be curious about food. They use their humanoid forms to explore the various cuisines of cultures around the world. While they may have preferences, they rarely pass up an opportunity to diversify their palates.


Silver dragons are known to be friendly and compassionate beings, often appearing in the form of benevolent old men or beautiful maidens. They are always ready to lend a helping hand, but tend to wait for others to seek their assistance before intervening, unless they believe that the situation could escalate and cause great harm. These dragons have a strong sense of justice and are repelled by cruelty and unfairness. However, they prefer to focus on protecting and healing those who have been wronged, rather than punishing the perpetrators.
Interestingly, silver dragons seem to be more drawn to humanoids than their own kin. They claim that this is because they are fascinated by the differences in the way humans and dragons perceive time and make decisions based on it. From a young age, silver dragons are taught to live by a code of morality that involves performing good deeds and refraining from actions that might cause harm to others. This is similar to the way bronze dragons live, but silver dragons tend to avoid violence and conflict, except when they feel it is necessary to defend themselves or others.
While they are not pacifists, silver dragons prefer to avoid fighting whenever possible. They will assist others in doing what they believe is right, but usually refrain from taking direct action themselves. When forced into a fight, they will try to end it as quickly and peacefully as possible, using their magic and other abilities to subdue their opponents without causing any harm.
In their true form, silver dragons are formidable creatures that are most comfortable in the air. They often use clouds as cover and focus on attacking whoever is directing the fight, hoping that by taking out the leader, the rest of the enemy forces will surrender or flee.
One of the most unique traits of silver dragons is their ability to form strong bonds with humanoids. These relationships can last a lifetime, and the dragons will often reveal their true form to their companions as a gesture of trust. Silver dragons enjoy flying more than anything else, and will spend hours soaring through the skies, reveling in the freedom of flight.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Silver dragons form familial groupings of loosely knit individuals. The oldest member, regardless of gender, serves as the head of the family and provides advice, settles disputes, and coordinates the family's actions. These families are often spread over thousands of miles and rarely congregate, but they are available to each other when advice or assistance is needed.

Facial characteristics

A silver dragon is recognizable by its smooth, shiny plate that forms its face. Its frill rises high above its head and continues all the way down its body until it tapers at the tail. This back frill is the tallest of all dragons, regardless of type, and is supported by long spines with sharp tips. More frills support its ears, which are supported by smaller but still pointed spines. Its horns are smooth and shiny. Its snout is beaked with a strong chin that sports a dangling frill not unlike a goatee. Its tongue is long, thin, and pointed. With age, its eyes turn seemingly into orbs of mercury.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
~4,200 yrs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A wyrmling has blue-grey scales with silver highlights, which brighten with age until individual scales are barely noticeable. From a distance, an adult silver dragon appears to be cast directly out of a solid block of silver, with the exception of its wings. On the wings, the membrane darkens at the edges where the tips of the phalanges are exposed, and lightens as they reach the alar limbs.


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