Em Olae (/em ˈolae/ Primordial)


The Em Olae, also known as Heart Ocean, lies adjacent to the continent of Wrodand to the west, Kemira to the east and south, the subcontinent of Sluyan to the north, and a minor section of Zistroya to the southwest. The ocean is home to a sparse scattering of small and remote islands. Its approximate total area spans a significant 32,537,793 square miles and an average depth of approximately 12,274 feet.


The Em Olae has a distinct climate that is primarily dominated by monsoons, a weather pattern that brings a considerable amount of rainfall. These monsoon patterns have a profound impact on the region's climate, making it unique. In addition, the Em Olae holds the distinction of being the warmest ocean on the entire planet of Caanae. This warmth not only influences the climate of the surrounding regions but also affects the marine life that resides within its waters.


Since the dawn of history, the Em Olae has consistently acted as a bustling hub of both commercial and cultural exchange. The trade routes that elegantly trace their way along its extensive coasts are among the oldest and most well-trodden in all of Caanae, having borne the weight of countless traders and explorers over the centuries. It is this enduring legacy of connection and exchange that has bestowed upon it its evocative name, Em Olae. In the Common tongue, this translates to 'Heart Ocean', a name that aptly reflects its central role within the maritime histories of diverse peoples. Like a beating heart, it has pumped a constant flow of goods, ideas, and people through its waters, serving as a dynamic and vital life-force that has shaped the destiny of many nations.

Alternative Name(s)
Heart Ocean
Location under


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