Im Hoed (/iːm hoe̯d/ Infernal)


The vast and awe-inspiring Im Hoed, colloquially known as the Twisted Ocean, has its humble origins in the northeastern part of our world. It emerges as a magnificent segment of the majestic A Sjansk Årluk, which in the Common tongue translates to 'The Great Expanse'. This ocean, with its mighty currents and waves, cradles the subcontinent of Brecica in its watery embrace. It includes not only the mainland of Brecica but also the numerous islands that dot its landscape, adding to the visual spectacle the ocean offers.

From Brecica, the Im Hoed, like a colossal serpent, slithers and winds its way around the vast continents. It flows around Akath to the southeast, caressing its sandy beaches, and carries on its journey to Zistroya to the south, where it meets towering cliffs and rugged coastlines. From there, the ocean continues to Menia to the northwest, where it imparts a cool, refreshing breeze to the arid lands.

After its long and winding journey, it finally merges back into its parent body, A Sjansk Årluk. The Twisted Ocean, in its entirety, spans an impressive and almost incomprehensible area of approximately 21,388,693 square miles and an average depth of about 16,000 feet. It's a vast expanse of blue, a testament to the beauty and grandeur of nature.

Ecosystem Cycles

Icebergs are a frequent sight in the northeast during the later winter months, stretching into the early summer. This phenomenon occurs as the winter ice pack of the Aoda Opoi Olae, also known as the Sea of Wild Ice, begins its annual melt. The melting process is initiated by the warmer temperatures, resulting in large chunks of ice breaking away and forming individual icebergs. These icebergs then commence their journey, guided by the currents of A Sjansk Årluk. Pushed south and southwest, they find their way into the Im Hoed. Over time, they become a stunning, albeit temporary, addition to the marine landscape of the Im Hoed until they eventually melt away completely.


The Im Hoed isn't just an ordinary waterway but a crucial artery of commerce and connection. The islands scattered throughout it play a pivotal role in facilitating maritime trade. In particular, the subcontinent of Brecica stands out as a key geographical feature. It essentially serves as a bridge, a gateway that connects two major continents, Akath and Menia. This strategic positioning enhances the importance of Brecica, turning it into a bustling hub where goods, ideas, and cultures intersect and intermingle. Indeed, the Im Hoed and its islands are instrumental in fostering economic activity and cultural exchange between Akath and Menia.

Alternative Name(s)
Twisted Ocean
Location under
Included Locations


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