
Aestara is the center of the Aestaran Empire and the seat of it's government. While the other territories of the Empire must deal with the regulations and laws imposed by the Ministry, Aestara is home to the most stringent control by the government of the Empire.


The territory of Aestara works as the empire does, but with less leniency. There the word of the Emperor is law and the Ministry is far more abundant, acting as most officials within Aestara as well as cultural potectors and priests.


Aestara boasts a number of mines rich in precious minerals and gems as well as the largest military due to their size. They do however lack in the production of food and livestock due to the harsh climate and hard soil that dominates the region.


Aestara makes up the central region of Harental, bordered by the Ever-reaching Heights to the east and the Giant's Spine Mountains to the west. It stretches from the Sea of Echoes in the north, on the northern border of the continent, past the Bare Weald to the southern border. It's dominated by steppe and cold plains broken by a few boreal forests in the far north and one large woodland in the south.  

Aestara, City of the Gods

Aestara's capital, of the same name, is a city of high white stone walls, statuary, and architecture that is both elegant and intimidating. The city is built upon the banks of Lac Abri at the end of the River Benir and just before the Norgaard Channel. It is also split into 3 layers separated by great walls and at the center, visible from nearly all points within the city, stands the illustrious and terrifying palace of the Emperor, Lux Turris, the Spire of Divine Will.

Agriculture & Industry

Due to the short, hot summers, long, cold winters and susceptibility for plants to overgrow or contract blight and rot in areas of the region, the agriculture yield is lacking compared to Aestara's neighbors Calenard and Oeystrand. These and other factors cause the people of Aestara to work harder to produce crops than other territories and to innovate in order to provide what they can. The majority of crops planted in the Aestaran steppe are cereal crops (wheat, oatmeal, etc.)   Industry, on the other hand is something that has grown in Aestara as the people are culturally encouraged to improve themselves and show prove their superiority.

By His body we were made, By His blood we are sustained.

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Satos Aestarte
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Minted platinum, gold, silver, and copper coins.
Legislative Body
Holy Aestaran Emperor
Judicial Body
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations

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