
Harental is the northernmost continent surrounding the Maelstrom Sea. It is the homeland of the Holy Aestaran Empire and its mainland vassals Calenard, Yotenar, Vanheim, and Oeystrand. For over 600 years the Aestaran Empire has held nearly undisputed sovereignty over all but a few regions of Harental, since the time of the God-King, Ranier Norgaarde , the founder of the Aestaran Empire who conquered the entirety of Harental - not including the dwarven provinces - as well as a large portion of the southern lands of Tol'Galen. In the time since the God-King, the Empire has faced rebellions and wars of secession that have pushed their borders back from northern Tol'Galen and solely into Harental which it works tirelessly through its internal bureaucracy to maintain an iron grip upon.
    The most prominent non-imperial powers within the continent are Dracia in the north, Doldarel in the center, and Khaghammer in the northwest.
  Dracia is a territory ceded by the then newly crowned emperor at the end of the civil war known as the Purge to a rebel force of arcane practitioners, targetted minorities, and their supporters. Now, led by a council, Dracia attempts to make their home a place of acceptance and unity in contrast to the events that caused their formation. They are the only major source of arcane knowledge in the continent since the Empire has outlawed the use of non-divine magic, with the exception of some druidic magic.   The domains of Doldarel and Khaghammer - sometimes collectively known as the "Dwarven Remnants" - are dwarven strongholds located along their respective mountain ranges. While once part of a singular dwarven empire that stretched for hundreds of miles underground, since its fall the two independent kingdoms have grown further apart in all but trade.
  Doldarel is the most surface-friendly of the two, with a healthy trade relationship between themselves and the surrounding countries. Though in recent months (as of Autumn of 846 AoM) Doldarel's trade and communication with their surface neighbors has withdrawn somewhat at the growing authoritarian actions of the new imperial regime and the possibility of an impending rebellion.
  Meanwhile Khaghammer, has undergone recent tribulations resulting in the majority of their population fleeing or falling to an invasion in late 845 AoM. Though their city was ultimately reclaimed with the help of a group of adventuring heroes, they found themselves in dire straits with their economy in shambles and the need to rebuild. They are currently under contract with the Aestaran Empire, which took advantage of this opportunity to gain an exclusive source of the fabled metal known for being mined in the deepest mines of Khaghammer, adamantine, in exchange for supplying resources, labor and coin to assist in the rebuilding of the Khaghammer economy.   Harental is one of the landmasses remaining from the Sundering of Eldaria, the land once ruled by the elves. It is temperate around the Maelstrom Sea but grows cool in its northern reaches most of the year.


Harental's geography varies on the region, from the mountainous highlands in the far west to the rolling plains of much of the rest of the continent between the mountains. The major forests of Harental exist in the south-central and northeastern regions while an area that once had an abundance of trees and shrubs in the far north-central region was deforested to an extent that has turned it into a cold wetland known as the "Aestaran Wastes". Large mountain ranges run through continent forming natural barriers for the current political regions of the Empire, and an abundance of waterways flow through the land, sourced from the those mountains.


  • Harental
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
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