Clan Rev

Located in an area of Binordheim known as Skygge Hul, Clan rev is home to great hunters, farmers and storytellers. With a focus on fame, Clan Rev is one of the most ambitious clans and the most independent. Though they are left with a lack of guidance from their guardian spirit Reynard, his nature has still had an impact on the Reven through some of their indirect and unorthodox traditions including their military strategy, marriage tradition, and games.


Unlike most clans, Clan Rev's leader is accountable to each of the regions presided over by a Jarl. Each of these regions govern themselves fairly independently and the leadership of each region meets when they need to discuss the needs of the clan as a whole. This promotes both competitiveness and independence among each region, a quality that has proven to be both a boon and a disadvantage in the past.
The cultural capital of Clan Rev is Grenkeld, but the leader of the clan may not live there as they are often chosen from the leadership of other regions and as such choose to remain in their own lands.
Elections for leadership of the clan happen regularly rather than being a title for life or until challenged, though it may still be challenged.


The hunting and selling of fox pelts is illegal within Clan Rev territory.
It is common for some aspiring hunters, rangers and wanderers to make a trek to Reynard’s Isle when the ice floes are most prominent, walking from the shore to the isle on the floating ice.

Public Agenda

Reven ideals revolve around independence, fame, and skill, giving them a mixed reputation among the other clans. They are not afraid to do what is necessary to win, even if it is seen as less sporting or honorable, though they seek to avoid being caught doing so whether to save face or as a further proof of their expertise.

Demography and Population

Mostly Human and Askarn, though more diverse than some of the more traditional clans such as Okse. Many refugees from Harental's Purge moved here to escape persecution.


Skygge Hul, where Clan Rev sits claims the most fertile lands in Binordheim. Made up primarily of plains in the south and a large forest in the north, it has less open land than the Ulfur, but more fresh water and fertile land due to their southern location. A volcanic mountain ridge along the western border boasts a great deal of geothermal hot springs and geysers, and is the site of a several eruptions, the last of which was so powerful that it opened a gate to the Aag, the fiery region of Axiom (Jotunheim to the Nords). Several small fjords running along both coastlines connecting to a multitude of rivers running both from the mountains and down into the fjords, though some of these are only around in the spring and summer due to the weather conditions.


Due to the lack of extensive iron mines most regions of Skygge Hul are unable to outfit their warriors in heavy armors and the people of Clan Rev have learned to adapt to that. While the mountains to the west and other areas of Skygge Hul may have iron and other useful metals, the mountains are often dangerous to mine in and around and the overall production of metal is lacking.
  Most of the military is made up of light infantry and archers able to move quickly around their enemies, striking from the distance to weaken before moving in to take advantage, quickly retreating and repeating. They excel at fighting out of open terrain where they can quickly move and distract their opponent.


In addition to Tyr, Odin, Bragi, Ullr (god of heroism and hunting), Freyr and Idun, the Rev are the only clan to publicly revere Loki for his cunning and wit.

Reynard the Fox was once worshiped as the other spirits are but in time the clan realized that Reynard was different, having little desire for reverence, his presence often disappearing for years at a time. Shrines built to honor him fell into disrepair, now overgrown and hidden within the woods and fields of the land. Some believe that Reynard prefers it that way.

Foreign Relations

Though they are not the world-wanderers like those of Clan Muninn, Clan Rev is easily one of the most open minded and cooperative clan when it comes to foreign nations. This doesn't stop them from raiding other countries, but it does cause them to be more selective.

Trade & Transport

Close relations with Muninn allows them to receive more exotic and foreign goods than other clans, or at least receive them first.
Due to their milder winters (albeit only slightly) and fertile land they are able to often produce excess food which they may stockpile or sell to other clans, of which Muninn buys a lot.
Trade goods may vary greatly depending on the region in question, but furs, meats, grains, and fruits are commonly traded from Rev territories.
In terms of overall wealth, Rev is the wealthiest clan.
Clan Spirit: Reynard the Fox
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
Clan of the Fox
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Major Exports
  • Furs and skins
  • Grains
  • Fruits
  • Herbs
  • Wine
Major Imports
  • Iron
  • Spices
  • Oils
  • Stone
  • Dyes
Judicial Body
Interpretation of laws is the duty of the Lawkeeper of each settlement within Skygge Hul, as with the rest of the Nordic clans. The konungr, jarl or leader of a settlement uses the interpretation of the law to pass down their judgements.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities
Colors: Cream, Red-Orange, Charcoal


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