Clan Ulger

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  The Clan of the Owl has a long reputation of being uncharacteristically reclusive among the other Nordic clans. Inhabiting the southernmost lands of Binordheim, a majorly dense boreal forest, the Ulger are rarely seen by the other clans en masse. However, regardless of their estrangement from their fellow clans, they are known to be the wisest and most magically proficient, studying the arts of magic through study and connection to the world, prompting both deep respect and wariness among the other clans.
  Mystical and untamed, the Ulger have the deepest understanding of the world on both a physical and spiritual level. Many take the roles of rangers, druids, and runic magic practitioners studying to uncover the art of "rune-weaving" (wizardry) in the footsteps of the god Odin. Unlike Odin however, they have become the least outwardly aggressive of the clans over the centuries since their establishment upon Binordheim, seemingly content within their forests and hidden groves, but any time another clan or roving band of monstrous creatures has ever thought to invade their lush lands they have either disappeared or found themselves back where they started, unable to navigate the forests they inhabit thanks to the runic enchantments carved into the trees of their forests.

Uwathe the Wise

Uwathe is the spiritual guide of the Ulger, depicted as an enormous owl with a crown of antlers growing from their feathered crest. Much like the Ulger, they prefer solitude, nesting in a hidden place somewhere within the forests of the clan's territory to be found only by those who truly require their assistance. They helped the Ulger in promoting their love of knowledge and history, poetry and song, and life and magic. Uwathe has a history with Muninn, the spirit of the clan of the same name, as well as their partner Huginn, as the two ravens have often found their way into Uwathe's domain in an attempt to take - an action they refuse is "stealing" - some knowledge or magic held by the more withdrawn spirit.


Like the other clans, the Ulger are led by a king chosen by their people while regions and communities are led by various Jarls who serve at the king's behest. The thing that differentiates the Ulger from other clans is the importance of magical and spiritual leaders at the side of their governing leaders. A spiritual council of elder druids and runeshapers act as advisors to the leaders and supervisors of governing processes.


While all Nords learn at a young age to respect nature and the spirits that exist within it, the Ulger have taken this to another level. While at one time they resembled something closer to the Ulfur, or even the Okse, the Shattering and the resulted flooding caused them to move from their former homes in the valleys under the great tree Sarendril to the hilly forests they now inhabit. A place that many had avoided living directly within for fear of upsetting the landvettr and huldra of the forest. This led to a societal shift among the Ulger, now relying on the leadership of those who had spent their lives among the forests and learned the ways of nature and magic.   Unlike more traditional clans, seidr, or magic, is an art that is embraced rather than seen superstitiously and all people of their clan are encouraged to learn to align themselves with its flow.


In recent times, Ulger has found themselves at odds with Clan Okse after a group of forest trolls escaping a brief crusade in Kynland made their way across the sea to their lands. The Kynlanders were not permitted entry into their lands while the trolls seemed to have been let in without issue, drawing questions from the Oksen and resulting in a short skirmish between the clans before the Oksen warriors retreated to their own lands. The Ulger claim no ill will or actions taken but the Oksen still rumor of their brethren to the south falling to troll enchantments.

Demography and Population

The towns and cities of the Ulger are many and sparing respectfully. Small settlements are easier to form and upkeep in the dense wilderness while cities require a large amount of land. Most of their settlements are built upon high hilltops and mountain ridges with the treeline protecting it from most sight. As such, their towns are numerous, but small in population. The largest city in Ulger territory was abandoned when it was acquired. Some believe it to be an old Ljosalfar or Dokkalfar city while others point to the trolls or other fey creatures.


The majority of Ulger territory is covered in forests with a number of mountains and high hills peaking through. To the west, at the border of their territory, is a small mountain range, making access to and from the west possible only around the northern edge of the range.


While most believe the Ulger to be a passive lot, they have had a number of skirmishes over the years with their neighbors in Rev since before the end of the Dearth and the beginning of the current age. While the most recent altercation was begun by the Reven, many before it were brought about by the Ulger before.


The Ulger stay true to the Aesir and the other gods of the nordic pantheon, but they also have a deeper connection with the spirits of nature and the fey, many delving into a form of naturism they call the Green Path.

Foreign Relations

Ulger have difficult relations with other clans which is brought about by their seclusive and secretive nature. Though they are seen as wise and knowledgeable, those traits alongside the prior and their seeming reluctance to raid or be offensive have also caused them to become alienated from the rest of the clans.   Several clans view the Ulger's secrecy combined with their skill in magic as suspect for them hiding something valuable from the rest of the clans, which causes clans like Drage to attempt to find that secret through force if necessary.   Drage have often sought deals with the Ulger in an underhanded attempt to gain access to their secrets and magic, and when those negotiations fail they turn to more offensive means of getting what they want.   Okse have grown suspicious of the Ulger making deals with enemy creatures such as trolls, hags, and huldra to gain their magic.   Clan Rev and Clan Muninn have a cooperative alliance. Ulger, contrary to popular belief, is not so content to sit in their lands idly as time passes by. Instead, many of the Ulger - especially druids and runeshapers - choose to travel alongside the Mun in search of new colonies to build in far off places.
Geopolitical, Clan
Alternative Names
Clan of the Owl
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Gold, Silver, and Copper are accepted as a form of currency, but the Ulger are more likely to attempt a trade in goods than coin.
Major Exports
  • Furs, Leathers, and Skins
  • Malachite
  • Copper
  • Quartz and Topaz
  • Amber
  • Lumber (Limited)
  • Berries and wine
  • Parchment, and books
  • Jewelry
  • Spiritual and Arcane Talismans and Foci
  • Veilshrooms 
  • Spell Runes (spell scrolls)
Major Imports
  • Gemstones (rubies, diamonds, etc.)
  • Spices
  • Sugar
  • Incense
  • Indigo 
  • Livestock (chickens)
  • Silver
  • Dyes
  • Steel weapons and tools
  • BANNED PRODUCT: Unworked Iron
Legislative Body
The jarls and king make the laws, overseen by the lawkeepers and the council of revered elders, and voted on by the people.
Judicial Body
Lawkeepers interpret the laws and assist in passing down judgement in the jarl's place.
Executive Body
The jarls enforce their own laws and the laws of the king.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities
Three Words: Spiritual, Isolationists, Mystical
Colors: Copper Green, Ochre, White

Cover image: Lightning Bird by Brandon-Ellis
This article has no secrets.


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