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Baldur’s Gate

Baldur's Gate, also called simply the Gate, is the largest metropolis and city-state on the Sword Coast, within the greater Western Heartlands. It is a crowded city of commerce and opportunity, perhaps the most prosperous and influential merchant city on the western coast of Faerûn. Despite its long-standing presence as a neutral power, the leaders of Baldur's Gate were members of the Lords' Alliance of powers in the west.


Baldur's Gate is ruled by four Grand Dukes, whose membership composed the Council of Four. They were elected by the citizens to serve for life or until they wished to retire. The Council served as a member of the Lords' Alliance, which included Waterdeep and Silverymoon, among other nation-states.


Baldur's Gate is divided into three main sections.   The Upper City is a walled region to the north. The Upper City of Baldur's Gate radiats wealth and beauty, serving as home to the city's Patriar class. It has wide, well-lit streets and attractive buildings decorated with hanging plants. The amenity of the Upper City is only matched by its well-kept safety, largely thanks to the regular patrols maintained by the Watch. The region consisted of four districts:
  • Citadel Streets
  • Manorborn
  • The Temples District
  • The Wide
  The Lower City is a large, crescent-shaped portion of the city between the Old Wall and the River Chionthar. It features tightly-packed streets, lined with tall and slender buildings. even narrower alleyways that are always busy with the comings and goings of city life. Trade, commerce and work of all sorts dominate the sprawling Lower City. It has six districts:
  • Seatower
  • Bloomridge
  • The Steeps
  • Heapside
  • Eastway
  • Brampton
  The Outer City is the sprawling, chaotic shantytown that rose up along the roads to the city and around Dusthawk Hill. Day and night blend together throughout the lean-to's, stockyards and other shacks and line the Outer City's muddy streets. While the animal-handlers, merchant-hawkers and other "outsiders" are taxed and technically "ruled" over by the Grand Dukes, city officials do little to truly govern the unregulated Outer City. It has nine districts, most of which encircled Dusthawk Hill:
  • Blackgate, located north from the Black Dragon Gate
  • Stonyeyes
  • Norchapel
  • Little Calimshan
  • Whitkeep
  • Sow's Foot
  • Twin Songs
  • Tumbledown, which extends south from the Cliffgate
  • Rivington, south of Wyrm's Crossing
Inhabitant Demonym
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