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Vermeillon is an abandoned mining town in the Cloud Peaks. The town was abandoned 70 years ago after a horrific mining accident devastated the town, and strange nightmares plagued its remnants.


Before it was abandoned, the town was run by a mayor. The mine itself was run as a collective.

Industry & Trade

Vermeillon was well known for it's raw platnium.


Vermeillon was founded after settlers discovered a platinum vein in the mountainside. The new residents did a booming business in both the raw ore and the refined metal in their mine for around a decade. Due to the rough terrain and the harshness of the climate, the village never grew large. It intermittently hosted a succession of traveling merchants who came to the village for a week or two, sold and traded their wares, then left again. The nearest civilized settlement, Maerin, was three days’ ride on horseback down the mountainside.   Seventy years ago, an explosion rocked the platinum mine, collapsing the tunnels and burying workers under tons of rubble. Sixty miners were underground that day. Over thirty of them died in the initial collapse, and the instability of the tunnels made rescue of the others slow and dangerous. The miners who survived the collapse were trapped for days or weeks before they were rescued—or perished in the deep, alone and terrified. Sixteen came out alive. Eleven were never found.   In the wake of the catastrophe, another horror plagued the village as people began to disappear, starting with the survivors—not all at once, however. One or two would vanish in a single night, then a tenday might pass before the next disappearance. These unexplained disappearances terrified the remaining miners. After all the survivors either disappeared or fled, other villagers began to vanish. The villagers tried to protect themselves by sleeping with weapons and taking shifts on watch, but nothing changed. Traveling in groups didn’t help, since a companion might vanish while even briefly out of sight.   With no one willing to keep the mine open and the disappearances leading to fears that Vermeillon might be cursed, merchants and other travelers stopped visiting the village. Slowly the townspeople fled, and the village became completely abandoned.

Points of interest

A portal to the fae realm exists within the mines of Vermeillon. No one is sure how this manifested, and it seems to only appear during a full moon.

1442 DR

Location under


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