Biding Time

General Summary

Returning to the library, Oliver with Stela in tow convinced the Presictor to cover their stay while they awaited the Prime Veritus's judgement. Then they set off in search of ink and parchment for notes and letters.   Previously, we found that Caldwell had been doing some research of his own tracking down the location of the winner of the Gorgames who was staying in their inn. Getting an understanding of the magical design of the Triadem Spires with some investigation help from Oliver and a piece of chalk, they found an illusory bubble allows the balconies to be hidden from everyone's view but those inside them. He attempted to get to the other floor by convincing the automaton in the elevator, but to no avail. Eventually, Caldwell was able to get into the balcony above by standing on one of Oliver's Stepping Stones.   Caldwell, Besella, and Gourm went to the jail in hopes of speaking with the dwarven prisoners but found they needed a letter of commendation from either Chazk Bristlescale or the political leader in town, Lord Ironbreath.  

Total XP: 70 (70)

  • 30xp for Caldwell Weatherbey RP in chasing down leads to rob the drow lord
  • 20xp for Besella RP in keeping in the shadows while trying to get information from the prisoners due to being recognizable
  • 10xp for Gourm RP in finding another recipe
  • 10xp for Oliver Clayhead and Stela RP in getting accomdations covered


  • Any knowledge of Stela's eyes (Library of Gorgos)
  • Respect of the GM after 'stone-faced' joke (Ali)

Rewards Granted

  • Room and board at Danner's Hovel funded by the Library of Gorgos (whole party)
  • Leads on a way to get at the drow lord from Mourianji (Caldwell)
  • Knowledge that food would be necessary in the north due to frozen ground (Stela)
Report Date
27 Apr 2024
Primary Location
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