Prison Proposals

General Summary

The first day in Gorgos was spent collecting information and gear to prepare for the trek ahead. Besella searched the city for information on the automaton creator behind Wiloc and learned, albeit accidentally, his name was Iroh from a goloma tinkerer, Scandar. The tinkerer also helped fix up the automaton while using the time to inspect Iroh's work for his own inventions.   Stela took the time to enjoy the outdoors and collect rations for Giggle as their consternation of imprisonment grows. Gourm, meanwhile, found Chisel and Sledge to get a potency rune engraved into their shield before heading off in search of more recipes. Initially heading off to No See, a fine dining restaurant near the Triadem Spires, he found the owner and chef to be rather offputting and snooty. Instead, he found himself talking with an elderly shoony running a food truck called Sandy's Skewers.

Oliver went back to the library to surmise what additional information he could deduce from the teleportation circle. While there, he overheard Chazk Bristlescale and The Technician speaking about the Gorgian creatures and the Crimson Slate. It appears the Volskra are intending to bring Gorgos the god, and not an avatar, to this plane which is why the conrasu had been kept hidden in the library for all these years. Unfortunately, Oliver's need to correct got the better of him as he announced his eavesdropping to correct a mistaken comment from Chazk. The Presictor told him that he would need to stay in town until this lapse in judgement could be brought to the Prime Veritus and Andarin Silverlight to define an appropriate punishment. Leaving, he noticed a spyder trailing him to the Triadem Spires.  

Total XP: 110 LEVEL UP

  • 50xp for Oliver RP in finding the true concerns of the Libraries and why the Crimson Slate had been kept in the Library of Gorgos
  • 30xp for Besella in finding the name of Wiloc's creator
  • 20xp for Gourm RP in searching for recipes and preparing his shield for the battles ahead
  • 10xp for Stela RP in dealing with their concerns of imprisonment


  • 20gp as a downpayment for a potency rune on their shield augmentation (Gourm)
  • Fortress shield, temporarily, as it is worked on (Gourm)
  • 9sp for skewers and vairin, a tangy granulated spice (Gourm)
  • 2gp for vitraxine ink (Oliver )
  • 3 vitraxine inks for copying spells (Oliver Clayhead)
  • 3sp for purchasing food for Giggle (Stela)
  • Some goodwill with the Libraries of Gnosi (Oliver Clayhead)

Rewards Granted

  • 2 vitraxine inks (Oliver)
  • Acidic Burst and Magnetic Replusion added to his spellbook (Oliver)
  • A recipe for assorted skewers (Gourm)
  • Information about Wiloc's creator (Besella)
  • More control over Wiloc's carapace (Besella)
  • Hope that they will not be imprisoned at the Library of Mora (Stela)
Report Date
20 Apr 2024
Primary Location
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