Securing Finances

General Summary

Stela and Oliver gathered some writing supplies from Triadem Trinkets. While there, Oliver realized that Clarence was not actually an archivist but rather just idolized them. Feeling sorry for the small macaque, he gave him a letter to deliver to Oliver's parents to give him a traveling destination. Afterwards, Oliver continued on to the blacksmith to find a use for the vitraxine ore they had been carrying since clearing the ankhrev den. Stela, meanwhile, wrote a letter and sent it off, at a hefty price of their own making, to their temple.   Gourm , Besella, and Caldwell went to the city center to speak with Lord Ironbreath about the letter of commendation. Having recognized Caldwell upon description as one of the adventuring party who helped aid the library and needed a task of his own dealt with discreetly, he offered to write the letter on the condition that they helped Professor Gibbetz, a jovial man covered from head to toe in ill fitting dark garments, with collecting something he had lost. They agreed to meet the next morning at the sewer entrance as Gourm was awaiting their shield's modifications to be finished, and they needed to gather the rest of the party.   Spending their last evening in the Spires, Caldwell, with an assist from Oliver once more, was able to infiltrate the drow's quarters and found the remaining winnings from the Games. While there, he also found a set of receipts showing he had paid off other contestants to help him win the Games. Pocketing one of the receipts and the coin, he escaped out of the room as the lord and his guard returned. In his haste over the banister, he landed poorly, scraping himself up but landing quiet enough not to disturb the tenant inside. Upon returning to their room, he discussed with Oliver the potential cheating associated with the receipt while keeping his financial gains hidden.  

Total XP: 100 (170)

  • 50xp for Caldwell Weatherbey RP in robbing The Gorgames winner
  • 20xp for introduction of Professor Gibbetz
  • 10xp for Gourm RP in talking with the 'chef' of the manor
  • 10xp for Stela RP in paying 40gp to get a letter delivered
  • 10xp for Oliver RP in responding to Andarin Silverlight and speaking with the blacksmiths


  • 40gp to send a letter to their temple (Stela)
  • 2gp sent to his parents with Clarence (Oliver)
  • Something (Professor Gibbetz)
  • Trust in the expectation of good manners from the people of Gorgos (Gourm)

Rewards Granted

  • Additional paper and ink, free of charge (Oliver and Stela)
  • An adventure to get a letter of commendation from Lord Ironbreath (whole party)
  • Some much needed downtime to get Coda back (Besella)
  • Likely the first ever completed satisfaction survey in the history of Cantarsus (random automaton guard)
Report Date
04 May 2024
Primary Location
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