Bargaining with the Enemy

General Summary

While Bahubat focused on disarming the barbarian to ensure she wasn't a threat, the rest of the party set a plan to negotiate with her. Besella worked to calm her by conversing about her sister and reassuring the barbarian she would be spared with help. Stela focused in on her breath, the beating of her heart, and the words she spoke to glean how true she spoke. Once Oliver believed she could be reasoned with, he began to work through a contract allowing Besella to cast Warrior's Regret to protect the party in exchange for their wares back and protection of her sister.   Bahubat returned from checking the room for additional dangers and saw the party signing a contract with the barbarian. Angrily, he blew up at the party for planning to work with the barbarian...the one that had just left him bleeding on the ground moments before. Telling the party he is not going to repeat his death when the barbarian betrays them all again, he stormed upstairs to await the end of The Gorgames so he can leave this forsaken Library and their betrayal behind.   Meanwhile, Caldwell decided to scout ahead once it seem assured the contract would be signed. Winding down into the clockwork tower, he found himself deafened by the cacophony of the innermost workings of the tower. Still, he persevered investigating damaged clockwork figures upon the stairs. Feeling confident, he moved forward but more felt than heard the triggering click of a trap. A new orchestra of clanking and whirring joined the din, as the winged protrusions on the slumped backs began to turn, awakening the gadgetry inside.    

Total XP: 120 (995)

  • 80xp for everyone convincing the barbarian to join the party
  • 10xp for Oliver RP in developing a contract
  • 10xp for Besella RP in using her skills and talk of the barbarian's sister to diffuse the situation
  • 10xp for Stela RP in focusing on recognizing motive and healing someone who could be a danger to you
  • 10xp for Caldwell RP in scouting ahead


  • A powerful tank and friend, Bahubat (whole party)

Rewards Granted

  • A bloodied barbarian with (warrior's) regret (whole party)

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Report Date
20 Jan 2024
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