Scrappy Scraps

General Summary

With Gourm concerned about the spacing of the pipe ahead of them, the party decided to do some additional searching to see if another entrance could be found. Oliver went down the pipe under the guise of a rat. He found the pipe empty though a grate at the far end was secured with a basic padlock. Upon searching a bit farther, a nearby skinskitter took notice of him and gave chase, though a guarding Giggle was able to help him flee back up the tunnel where the chasing monster was quickly dispatched. Giggle did appear to be agitated with something down the hallway.   The party attempted to head north through the pipes, but found they likely led back to the mysterious splashing sounds that Stela claims are created by a large creature. Heading south for one last check, Oliver found a partially flooded crosscut that, upon further inspection, had an eroded pipe as the source of the flooding. Continuing down, Gourm led the way and recognized the stench of the sewers was starting to burn his throat and encouraged everyone to take a deep breath while Professor Gibbitz cut strips from his garments to create makeshift masks for everyone.   Diving in once more, Gourm and Caldwell Weatherbey caught the sound of laughter and whispers before catching sight of a charging pile of metal. While fighting the scrapborn, the source of the voices became clear: a mound of green flesh covered in mouths, nails, and bulbous eyes rounded the corner. Recognizing this as his flesh, Gibbitz reminded everyone to wound but not kill the creature so he can merge with it bringing him back to his normal form.  

Total XP: 50 (340)

  • 20xp for Stela RP in using Gentle Breeze to reduce the effects of the poisonous gases
  • [li[20xp for Oliver RP in searching for additional entrances that would support Gourm's shield
  • 10xp for Gibbitz RP in reminding everyone not to kill the Gibbering Mouther


  • Their minds (Caldwell and Gibbitz, albeit temporarily)
  • Cognitive Mutagen (used by Oliver)
  • Bolts x4 (Caldwell)
  • 80gp for retroactively purchasing concealable Thieve's Tools (Caldwell)

Rewards Granted

  • Concealable Thieve's Tools (Caldwell)
  • Location of their flesh (Gibbitz)
Report Date
18 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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