Stripped to the Bone

General Summary

Using the morning hours to collect their gear and wits for the adventure ahead, the party met up with Professor Liam Gibbitz at the sewer entrance. As they moved through the darkened tunnels, relying on darkvision elixirs to avoid giving their their location away, they were surrounded by the putrid scent of potion and magic mixing chaotically in the liquids below them. They were eventually set upon by animated pieces of green flesh mixed with bone and keratin. As the creatures were killed, their screams in death were that of an elderly male goblin.   After some pointed discussion, the Professor revealed their bleached skull visage and explained that they had been experimenting with a new mutagen but missed the Gorgames to test it during the reset window, and chose to push forward in equal parts hubris and impatience. The mutagen did protect his vital organs in a way as they extricated themselves from his form and fled into the city. He followed it to the sewers, but was unable to follow any further.   Stela recognized a larger splashing creature up the larger pipes and smaller ones down a side channel. As they inched along the side channel, the odor grew in intensity and they found themselves in front of a drainage pipe. Large enough to traverse, but small enough that it would put the party's new friend Gourm at risk of not being able to use their shield the party contemplates whether to double back or press on.  

Total XP: 120 (290)

  • 40xp for killing the skinskitters
  • 30xp for getting information about what the professor is actually down here for
  • 20xp for Oliver RP in using Stepping Stones to create an environmental barrier
  • 10xp for Stela RP in using their tremorsense to get an understanding of which direction to choose
  • 10xp for Gourm RP in pushing back about going in a direction that would put them at a disadvantage
  • 10xp for Gibbitz RP in getting elixirs useful for the party like darkvision and several mutagens


  • Darkvision Elixirs (x2) (Gibbitz)
  • Cognitive Mutagen (Gibbitz)
  • Deadweight Mutagen (Gibbitz)
  • Crossbow Bolt (x6) (Gibbitz)
  • Crossbow Bolt (x2) (Caldwell)

Rewards Granted

  • Cognitive Mutagen (Oliver from Gibbitz, alchemist expiration)
  • Deadweight Mutagen (Gourm from Gibbitz, alchemist expiration)
Report Date
11 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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