
General Summary

The battle against the chimera continued to rage with Stela valiantly keeping everyone up including the young stranger at the mouth of the cave. Gourm and Besella worked in tandem to ensure the party were more protected from the most vicious of the creature's attacks while Oliver and Caldwell chunked away at the creature with the stranger. In desperation, the creature let out a devastating lightning attack nearly downing three combatants before being slain by Gourm.   As wounds were tended, the party engaged the stranger, learning that he was a trapper and guide for the remaining villagers of Kanor. The village had been attacked by a made gnome with an icy blue eye and a solid orange one. He twisted the dead villagers into undead monstrosities to continue tearing the village apart as the rest of the Volskra forces carried on.   The trapper helped lead the remaining villagers through hill and forest, hidden from the invading force until they reached the border into Gnosi. The trading post at the border was overpopulated, with dozens of Glasvaktare protecting the border. Upon further inspection, however, the group was harassing anyone entering or leaving the country without pay. The trapper had noticed the sign of the Oiled Hand marking various soldiers as well.   The party camped with the refugees and made a meal together, popular in Slovengaard using the meat of the chimera and various root vegetables from the various groups. The curry reminded Besella of home and the dangers to her family brought her to tears. The party discussed finding a way to check on her family during their trek into the frozen tundra before everyone got a long rest.  

Total XP 184 (504)

  • 64xp for chimera battle
  • 30xp for information gained from talking to the guide
  • 30xp for Oliver Clayhead RP in giving everyone their gifts
  • 20xp for Gourm RP in using Clue In and Besella conversation about family
  • 20xp for Besella RP in driving discussion and talking about her past
  • 10xp for Stela RP for showing caring nature by keeping PCs and NPCs healed
  • 10xp for Caldwell RP in choosing to place the rune on the dagger which is his preferred weapon


  • Spacious pouch holding leaf weave and lute ( Stela , given to Oliver Clayhead )
  • 40gp for guard pay ( Stela, divvied up amongst the party)
  • Gifts made for the party ( Oliver Clayhead, handed out to the party)

Rewards Granted

Report Date
24 Aug 2024
Primary Location
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