Whirling Gnomes

General Summary

Not knowing how much further down the spire there was, the party chose to focus on healing Caldwell to help bolster the front lines. While Stela was handling this, the barbarian, Ivanu, alerted the party to a spider-like machine that was pestering her and drawing attention to the switchboard. Besella and Oliver, weary after the battle, focused on trying to disarm or deactive the machine before it could cause any damage until Stela pointed out the clockwork design means it likely belonged to the library. Searching the droid, Oliver found a hastily scrawled parchment inside that contained a sequence for the switchboard. Using it, the Spyder displayed a hologram from a crystal stored inside showing the other party's battle throughout this room and showing injuries they sustained. Hoping to catch them before they healed, the party sped along only to set off a spiraling jetstream trap. Singed, steamed, and sick from the noxious gasses, the party survived the trapped room but definitely worse for the wear.

Total XP: 280 (150)

  • 80xp for surviving the Whirling Gnomish trap
  • 30xp for party RP in getting the message from the Clockwork Spy
  • 10xp for Besella RP in attempting to ride the banister
  • 10xp for Stela RP in finding the safe corner based on moving via their blindness
  • 10xp for Oliver RP for stubborn academic abandon to solve how to turn off the trap
  • 10xp for Caldwell RP in sprinting through the traps with overwhelming bravado


Rewards Granted

  • Some intel on how the gnome's party works (whole party)
  • Sauna baths (Oliver, Besella, and Stela primarily)
  • Reminder how spinning things work (GM)

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Report Date
03 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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