Winding and Dining

General Summary

Swinging the doors open in hot pursuit, the party found themselves in a labyrinthine maze of rotating stairwells and empty door frames laced with itraxine. Reaching forward with their tendrils, Stela discovered a trail of congealing spatters of blood to help lead the party in the direction of their quarry. Unfortunately, the constant flux of the room's state caused them to lose the trail again. As they searched, one of the many doors twisted into place, connecting with their stairwell and displaying a simple door that lead into a massive marble chamber filled with books and the orc from the spyder hologram seen earlier. While initially unhelpful, The Technician was willing to answer questions once they beat the trials of the room, according to the edicts of the Library. Learning that the chaos outside was a failsafe of The Technician's design (and one he could turn off), the party felt it wise to rest before chasing once more after the Crimson Slate and Portia Rizzpint.  

Total XP: 140 (420)

  • 80xp for defeating the clockwork soldier
  • 30xp for Oliver RP in sacrificing their hidden innate spellcasting to save the party
  • 30xp for party RP in playing around with the room's magic to understand how it works


Rewards Granted

  • Knowledge about the Crimson Slate's whereabouts (whole party)
  • Full night's rest (whole party)

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Report Date
10 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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