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Creating a Character in Chaia

Characters are going to be created in Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Though I'm proud of all the work that I've put into building the world of Chaia, players are encouraged to create their own unique world around their characters; I have by no means fleshed out even a single city to its full capacity, so there is plenty of room for players to put their own spin on the world. The rest of this article contains helpful links to articles which might give the players ideas for a character, or even just a simple feel for the type of world that Chaia is. Please reach out to me if you have a character idea and want to help connect it to the world; I really want to enable you guys to create characters you're excited about!   I've set a lot of the articles on this site to be private, meaning that you won't be able to see everything right away. This is partially because your characters likely will not know about all of the various orders and religions and deities of Chaia. If you are interested in an article but are unable to view it, let me know and I will allow you to see it.   One important thing to note is that I would really urge you guys to work with each other so that every PC has a connection to at least one other PC. The nature of this connection is intentionally left vague, and could range from two characters being siblings who grew up together, to two characters having met a week back along the road and spent those seven days before the campaign begins traveling alongside each other, to two characters who were in the same jail for a couple of months a few years ago. Just something so that each character has some history with someone else within the party. I ask this because I believe it will help the party to come together more naturally and easily. Again, this doesn't mean that another player needs to know everything about your character, and people are welcome to keep as many secrets about their backstory as they want.   All of the standard Pathfinder races are available for play (though goblins are very savage in Chaia and members of that race will likely find those around them filled with revulsion and fear at their appearance). This includes humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, half elves, and half orcs. The pages for each of these races contain information about the races and links to the various cultures and nations where populations of these races live.   The Adventurer page contains a description about what professional adventurers are like in Chaia. All the PCs will be undertaking adventuring work, though if you wish to links to all of the classes from the Player's Handbook, and more classes will be added when the Advanced Player's Guide drops in July. Looking at the class pages, you will find a number of helpful starting points to help point you to the background that a character of a specific class may have. For instance, the Monk page contains information about three orders of martial monks which exist on Chaia, and more generalities about what monks are like in case you want to create your own monk.   When it comes to alignment, players are free to chose how they proceed for their own character. You can use basic Pathfinder alignments, use no alignment, or use another system. For characters as they're put on this site, the Alignment article has information about what the various alignments mean. You're free to use that article as a guide in specifying your own characters' alignment as well.   The world also has a number of powerful beings, which grant spells and have garnered worship from many. Some characters might be sworn to the service of one of these gods, be a casual worshipper, have had their lives ruined by the faithful of one of their churches, or may have no strong feelings about any of the beings at all.   The start of our adventure will occur in the town of Uinvamor in northeastern Diguardia. I'll work with all of you to determine how and why your characters have found themselves in this place.   The main page of this site has a link to a full map of the continent, which is displayed below. Following the link on the main page allows the map to be larger than it is on this page. The layers icon in the upper right allows you to flip between different map types and select different groups of markers to display or hide.
This is the main map of the continent of Chaia.

Cover image: by azgaar


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