Estella Vidine Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Estella Vidine

Estella Vidine is a human from the Varda Shiphaven on Udarich. She is one of the Nightwalker thieves, codenamed Lockpick, and partner to Verga Stonehammer.  



Born in 3172. Estella was very young when her family of mages left Gadorr for Udarich. Her father was an accomplished mage technician and had been invited to work on the magically powered ships that were becoming popular in the Varda Shiphaven. Estella showed little magical talent but had penchant for getting into places she wasn't meant to.  

Turned to Crime

Estella's family lost their home when she was 20. Though her father didn't explain why, Estella had read his journal not long before and found and entry that suggested a trusted family had been acting suspiciously for some time. When her family was forced to return to Gadorr, Estella was separated and left behind. Unable to afford a ship to her home continent, she turned to a life of thievery.   Estella proved herself particularly talented in picking locks and sneaking. It was two years before she found herself in trouble, caught by Verga Stonehammer by pure chance. Verga gave Estella a break and offered her a job to make an honest living. The two eventually fell in love, despite Estella keeping her thieving hobby. It was this hobby that caught the eye of Windtooth. Estella was eager to join a real group of thieves and eventually gained Verga's blessing.   Estella joined the Nightwalkers for their heist on the Raziel. It is unknown whether she escaped the falling ship or was on it when it crashed.  


Estella is easily excited but rarely shows it outwardly.


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