Note for Bigwig from Helena Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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Note for Bigwig from Helena

General Summary

Thus follows is a letter to Bigwig from Helena.   Hey Bigwig. Hope this finds you. You said you were going to Valadris. It's a big city but I'm sure it will make its way to you.   I guess I just wanted to let you know how things are going. I tracked the cultists taking the sick people from Ghispar north. I lost them, though. Their trail fell cold when I found some kind of sigil circle burned into the ground. Maybe someone who knew a little more magic could tell me what happened. I hope they were just whisked away and nothing...   Anyway. One weird, freaky thing after another. I ran into a cultist the other day while scouting. He got the jump on me and pinned me down. I could feel him pulling the life from me. It felt like he was trying to tear a piece of my soul out and the rest was coming with it. Heh. Good thing I had a dagger hidden. Sliced him open at the last second. It was almost second nature what happened next. I started draining from him what he tried to take from me. I felt a burst of heat and energy in my chest.   The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. The night wasn't. Someone came to me in my dreams. He looked like one of those dragonborn from Mustaband. It looked like he was trying to tell me something but I couldn't hear him. When I woke, well things were a bit different. I'm not really sure where to go next. The cult is supposed to have a stronghold up north. Maybe I can save the people they took. You know, turn their own power against them?   Like I said, not sure where I'll be so it might be hard to reply. Not sure where you'll be either but hey maybe we'll have magic to talk soon. Missing you. Hope you don't mind a girl with fangs.   -Helena
Report Date
19 May 2024


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