Bigwig Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Bigwig is a harengon ranger from Udarich. She's one of the Nightwalkers.  


Campaign Era

Bigwig snuck aboard the Raziel alongside her fellow thieves. Windtooth had her and Petrichor sneak into the gala. When the ship was sabotaged, they rescued an older tabaxi woman and found themselves thrown together with Larka and Hest. Bigwig escaped in King Hespiro's escape pod after learning that Windtooth was the saboteur. Upon finding a sinkhole the next day, Bigwig suggested checking it out since Hest had never been in a cave before. Like the others, she was left with a burn from salamanders that stole some of their goods. Chasing the salamanders, Bigwig and her allies found a tomb. A voice called out to Bigwig and Larka, offering power if they drank the blood flowing from the tomb. They decided to leave before the tomb collapsed.   Bigwig eventually led the group to Popoki Village where they met the shopkeep and village leader. The party learned that the falling Raziel was thought to be a meteor. Salvidor the shopkeep gave them a tour before Meadowyn the village leader took them to the inn for the night. After turning in, Bigwig and Petrichor talked about looking for the other Nightwalkers and wondered what Windtooth might have been thinking. A scream piereced the night and, as Bigwig and the others ran outside, they found that animated skeletons were marching on the village. Bigwig and allies fended off the skeletons and were celebrated in the morning. A group of soldiers from Ghispar arrived, Zinnia's Platoon, and the party decided to follow them on their journey to the Raziel crash site.   During their travels, Zinnia and Kilgrid were captured in the night and Bigwig raced off to find them with the party. They found a mansion lost to time in the woods. Bigwig scouted out an entrance while Petrichor snuck in. Inside, Bigwig found herself a sword to keep and located the necromancer's laboratory where Zinnia and Kilgrid were kept. Afterwards, she and the party joined Zinnia and Sera on their journey to the Raziel crash site. While Larka communed with unseen forces, Bigwig realized that the same forces were reaching out to her and Petrichor's sending stones. Bigwig asked Larka to connect with the stones and ship and was shown a vision of Lockpick escaping the Raziel. Realizing there were no survivors, the group decided to return with Zinnia to Ghispar. On the journey, Bigwig had a nightmare one night where she was trapped and offered power but a dark, fiery creature who called her "Strong...child". Bigwig awoke the next morning to find the salamander scar on her hand had transformed into a winding red snake tattoo that coiled up her arm.   In Ghispar, she learned that this mark bore resemblance to the sign of the Cult of Arazid when she met some of their worshipers. She and Larka rescued Amroth from the cultists and he offered them a place to stay before meeting with the Catchief. The next day, Bigwig and the others spoke with Catchief Urthpaw, who turned out to be the tabaxi rescued on the Raziel. She thanked them and tasked the HELP with tracking down the necromancer who seemed to have moved his operations to Firelda Outpost.


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