Nym Lyari Character in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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Nym Lyari

Nymlamir Lyari (a.k.a. Nym)

Nymlamir Lyari, usually referred to as Nym, is a half-elf arcanists, training at the Order of the New Dawn to become a Night Hunter. He is one of the teammates of Einar Ranvirson, alongside Eleanor Atkins.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Nym was born in 1094 in Aenthril, the city of the Aelrin. His father was a full-blooded elf and his mother was a half-elf from Vanbury of unknown lineage. The relationship was frowned upon by the Aelrin and this condemnation carried over to their child. To make matters worse, Nym was born with a harmless, but unique genetic mutation that turned his hair white. To the citizens of Aenthril, this was further confirmation that the relationship of Nyms parents was 'unnatural', and they were quick to burden Nym as a 'cursed one'. Despite his father's relative succes within Aelrin society, Nym grew up as an outcast.  

Hiding his Arcane Abilities

Nym is a strong Arcanist, but tried his best to never let his abilities show, as he believed that this would shun people even more. To fit in, he avoids using his abilities. In 1113, at age 18, Nym uses his abilities to save a woman, while he was in Vanbury for his fathers business. The Order of the New Dawn noticed quickly and offered him a place as a Night Hunter.  

Joining the Order

Nym joined the Order not much later and spend his time training at Auroren. For around half a year, Nym was the only Night Hunter student, untill his mentor Oliver Morgan asked Nym to join him and two other night hunters (Verona Farley and Sarcan Aendomir) on a mission to retreive a supposed arcanist (and thus a new potential night hunter).  

Mission to retreive Einar

The first part of the mission proved to be quite uneventful, as Nym and the other three night hunters travelled all the way from Vanbury to Dulduram on horseback. On the last night before they arrived, they were awoken by Sarcan, who kept watch during the night. Using his enhanced hearing, Sarcan was able to hear unusual sounds coming from a nearby Goblin village. The group of Night Hunters quickly repacked and travelled towards the sound.   Once there, they stumbled upon a Goblin shaman ritual, with four captured people tied to poles: two dwarves, a human and an elf. Nym saw how a finger of one of the dwarves was cut off by the Goblin Shaman. Without hesitating, he threw an energy bolt towards the shaman, killing him instantly. A battle ensued, in which the group of Night Hunters slaughtered the entire Goblin village. Afterwards, they freed the four prisoners. In a surprising twist of fate, the human captive of the Goblins turned out to be the man that the group set out to find: Einar Ranvirson.   The group, alongside Einar and his friends, continued their travel towards Dulduram. Once there, Oliver and Verona tried to persuade Einar to join the Night Hunters, but Einar initially declined. Nym did not understand, as Einar was clearly not a dwarf, and pretending to be a dwarf only made him look pathetic and weird. Einar eventually gave in, and the five of them travelled back to Vanbury. Nym saw no reason to bond with Einar, as he proved to posses very little knowledge of the Arcane and the world around him.  

Back in Vanbury

Once the group arrived back in Vanbury, another surprise awaited Nym. A young woman, by the name of Eleanor Atkins had joined the Order while he was away. He, Einar and Eleanor would train together and form a new team, as they were all new. Nym still thought Einar to be pathetic and weak, whereas Eleanor was a know-it-all goody two-shoes. Needless to say, Nym had difficulty bonding with his teammates. Regardless, they would have to work together


Nym Lyari


Towards Ainar Ranvirson


Ainar Ranvirson


Towards Nym Lyari


Nym Lyari


Towards Eleanor Atlas


Eleanor Atlas


Towards Nym Lyari


Year of Birth
1094 20 Years old
Medium -short, straight white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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