
Xynarr is a keep-city located in Priotoris, nestled comfortably between the Cold Iron Peaks of Priotoris. It acts as a defensible location between the northern deserts of Ashkaris and the southern provinces, built long ago to help defend against orc raids hailing from Mor'Kayn  The town itself is constructed on top of an important mausoleum, a family whose name has long since been forgotten. The family used to own this region, but after an ill-timed rebellion, their names were stricken from their graves and all reference to them has been crossed out from history. There are some devoted scholars who seek to find the origins of what happened here, let alone what caused the population to overthrow the family in such a brutal manner, but there has been little success in this effort. It said the keep was built atop the mausoleum so the people had somewhere to retreat even if beset on both sides, and would permit the spirits of the royal family to stand guard alongside the militia - a truly altruistic cause adding further confusion to the circumstances of their unseating.    With its proximity to the northern edges of the Hallowed Forest and the verdant foothills of the Cold Iron Peaks, Xynarr has a reputation for good strong lumber and even stronger wine. While this has declined somewhat since the Upheaval, regular support from the Lightbearers has assured that even in absence of the once frequent trade routes, the city remains well-supplied and well-stocked.    Xynarr Keep is situated against the eastern edge of the city, built atop the mausoleum and buttressed against the mountainside. Within town, the typical amenities can be found, with an emphasis on the central Temple of Ilmater built along the main road. The Temple doubles as the town's main hospital, and to a certain extent is seen as an independent organization within the city, with its own governing body separate from the nobility. The temple has long been seen as a neutral organization and even in times of war has been known to take in the injured - regardless of allegiance or affiliation - to help ease their pain and suffering.
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