Nour, The Martyred King

Risen God of Martyrdom, Selflessness, Suffering, Perseverance, and Peace precious daughter...! I...I'm so sorry. If only I had gotten to know you better...then, maybe you would still alive! Your burden should have been mine to bear! My sacrifice to make, not yours...!   Daughter....! Daughter........! Hngk...what a cruel world this is...your father should have died back then - as I originally intended.   What damned good is a martyr who doesn't die? Now, after a thousand years, I return to find my sacrifice deified and my people scattered - and to find myself father to a daughter I never knew...!   Hnngk...the means of your birth mean nothing to me. Be you a true child of mine, or a product of a thousand years of mortal imagination, I...gnnn...I would have loved you all the same!   What use am I, now? I am alone now, in this world...a martyr made invincible. What a cruel joke. My sworn brother, though he endured a thousand years to see me again, has gone to his eternal reward ahead of me - and though I know he did not mean it as he did, he has burdened me with all that was left behind.   Daughter...If you can hear me wherever our kind goes after death...know that I love you....! Please, tell your father what he should do! My tears fall like rain, and my heart feels as though it shall never be whole again...!   Is this godhood? Is this what it means to live as a god...? Please...someone...give me guidance...
— Nour, standing alone over the graves of his daughter and sworn brother dug by his own hands deep in The Wasting Sea
  Titles: The One True King, The Weeping God, The Grand Martyr, Patron of the Sands and Scorching Winds, Lord of the World Tree, The Sandwraith, The Golden King   Favored Weapon: Blackjack   Alignment: Neutral Good   Church Moniker: Church of Our Martyred Father   Obedience: Spend an hour self-flagellating yourself while concentrating on another creature or group of creatures whose suffering you wish to one day take away, purging yourself of evil thoughts with each lash upon your back. Once this hour is up, allow your wounds to scab with the power of Nour and draw his holy symbol upon your skin or clothing with your blood.   Effect: Healing effects you use that rely on positive/negative energy affinity work on creatures regardless of what their normal affinity is - though you can only heal them in this way. As an immediate action whenever you are damaged by a natural or manufactured melee or ranged attack, you can heal an allied creature within your reach for 1/2 the damage you took.

Divine Domains

Healing, Nobility, Strength, Plant, Good, Liberation


As Nour has only recently returned to the material plane alongside the mighty World Tree less than a century prior to the modern day, his greatest and only artifact remains the enormous World Tree that now stands proudly in depths of The Wasting Sea on the southern side of the continent of Corexus, where the Desert Elven city of Kalkaur sits nestled within its trunk and branches. This mighty tree, said to have fused its essence with his over their eons of imprisonment within the depths of the Astral Plane following the events of The Sundering, is said to reach into all planes of the Inner Sphere and has formed an almost symbiotic relationship with Nour that has not only turned the tree is something resembling a divine realm of his, but also allowed him a vast wealth of unique powers relating to it.   Its power is not merely for him, either - the countless beings who live within the tree and within the city of Kalkaur are often blessed with powerful relics from this mighty tree such as apples that can cure even the most grievous of wounds, arms and armor crafted from Worldbark(A material once again in plentiful supply), and a whole slew of other blessings that have been kept secret by his followers.

Holy Books & Codes

The Martyred Tomes

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Tree with a humanoid inside its trunk and a crown atop its canopy

Tenets of Faith

Pain is progress. Toughen the body to cleanse the spirit.
Shoulder the suffering of the world. If someone must suffer, let it be you before all others.
Shine your light for others. Be selfless and give your all for others, even if they don't appreciate or want it.
Be peaceful, not helpless. Let violence be the last tool in your arsenal, yet do not neglect to keep it sharp. There is almost always a better way.
No sacrifice in vain. A sacrifice is good and just only when it is meaningful. Let no sacrifice be wasted, and let none walk that path before they are ready.


The Weeping Vigil

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To preach the ways of Selflessness over Selfishness and Arrogance   Teach the value of martyrdom and self-sacrifice   Teach all creatures the meaning of kindness, care, and empathy
Giving all of oneself in service to another creature or cause is martyrdom. Doing so in expectance of a reward or gain is greed.
— Nourite Proverb
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Areas of Concern
The Oppressed and Impoverished, Peasants, Slaves, Desert Elves, Guarding the Restored World Tree, Monks, Paladins, Pacifists
Main Temple and Location
The Skyhigh Cathedral, located in the very upper boughs of the World Tree's canopy within the Wasting Sea
Holy Animal
Holy Colors
Brown, Gold
Holy Number


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