Hākem, The Vigilant One

Minor God of Survival, Vigilance, Community, and Austerity

I gots a real crazy one for ya - how about the tale of how Hākem - that's right, your glorious survivalist - was saved by mailmen. Heh, thought so. Listen close, and i'll tell ya!   Y'see, after The Sundering, his faith was as good as dead. The entire World Tree and every soul in it - poof! Gone. And with it, all his faithful.   A death sentence to any god, really. But, funny thing - thirty years later, his faith crops back up in the lowlands of Draconia in some podunk mining town of humans who'd never even heard of an elf in their life, much less seen one. Crazy, right? 'How'd that happen', I hear you askin'. Heh, well, as it turns out?   It was the mailmen. Y'see, Hākem and his faithful had always been big supporters of communities. Helped bring people together, give purpose to the lost, all that schmutz. Lots of busy work that most of us just kinda ignored - the sorta stuff that faded into the background over time.   Well...turns out, quite a few of those 'communities' his faithful had brought together over the years settled down. Established villages, which became towns. And with towns, comes infrastructure.   Enter the mailmen - the good ol' boys in blue. They come to those towns, linkin' 'em together like veins in a living body - and they hear about how these towns founded. The priests and paladins who did all that thankless work, and well, they do what anyone in their profession would do. They took those stories and spread 'em - and as they spread, others decided to get to the bottom of the truth in 'em.   And lo and behold, thirty years after The Sundering, some doe-eyed historian brat fresh outta the draconian institutes decides to go chasing those old tales the miners in the borderlands love to tell - ends up face to fuckin' face at the end of it all with Hākem. Or, without the embellishment, a ruined church of his, probably. And rediscovered a faith that had been destroyed thirty years prior - savin' a god in the process.   Just goes to show ya - there's value in the little things.
— A conversation overhead at a tavern in the city of Ostenwald, in The Lowland Fiefs
  Titles: The Vigilant One, The Watcher, The Great Guardian, Lord of the Scales, The Survivalist, The Sundered God, Lord of the Rigid Regiment   Favored Weapon: Scimitar   Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Church Moniker: Church of The Vigilant One   Obedience: Stand in the same location for one hour focusing on and doing nothing but what is absolutely and utterly necessary to your own survival - even your breathing, eating, and drinking must be done only when utterly essential. Cleanse your mind of thought and be as empty as possible for the duration of this hour.   Effect: As a standard action, you can issue a loud verbal chastisement of a creature you can see within 30ft and attempt to brand them with the power of Hākem - if the target fails a Will Save(DC based on your highest mental stat), the target can take no actions that benefit an allied creature in any way and focuses solely on its own betterment and survival for as long as the brand remains. The target is allowed an identical save at the end of each turn to remove this brand and the associated effect. In addition, you may on command summon one copy of Hākem's teachings(With included bookmark that doubles as a holy symbol) in whatever form of media best suits your current desires(Written, Audio-Only(With narration by Hākem), Etc).

Divine Domains

Law(Loyalty and Judgement Subdomains only), War, Strength, Protection, Nobility, Earth


As Hākem's faith was nearly destroyed in The Sundering, the event which very nearly destroyed the Desert Elves as a species as well as their civilization, his faith has existed ever since completely devoid of divine relics or artifacts of any kind - as they were all unilaterally destroyed during that terrible, terrible time which nearly destroyed the faith.   Now, however, as Hākem's faith has begun to undergo something of a rennaissance in the modern day on the now-floating isle of Skaðis ever since his new temple was constructed by a group of his faithful who fled to the isle before its ascension to begin anew on its isolated shores, his faith has been rumored to have finally produced a singular divine relic of their god's glory known as The Sundered Panoply - an artifact of such unimaginable power that its size is said to rival an entire mighty fortress; or perhaps, it is a fortress(The details are unclear ever since the isle of Skaðis has ascended into the sky). While its powers have not been confirmed outside the faithful, it is rumored to contain within it the power of a thousand factory lines - capable of producing enough gear and equipment of all shapes and sizes that it is said to be capable of armying a thousand soldiers a day with top-quality military gear.   This artifact, said to have been bestowed as a gift to his newly christened mortal champion that played an instrumental role in revitalizing his faith, was made possible only thanks to the efforts of that same mortal champion and their brigade of soldiers who helped construct Hākem's new temple brick by brick over a grueling 10 years.

Holy Books & Codes

The Shield-Brother's Battle Manual

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An eye upon a shield scarred by battle

Tenets of Faith

Pursue a better world. Seek the weaknesses of the world and its people and correct them.
Survival above all. The only law is survival - place nothing above your own life. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Abandon all Excess. All you do, create, and own must serve a practical purpose for survival. Shed the unneccessary and frivolous.
Vigilance and Trust. Be vigilant against danger and fair in your dealings. Every creature is a potential threat whose trust you should strive to earn regardless.
Life is stronger when united. Spread my teachings, foster community and unity of purpose, and walk no path alone. A shared purpose is shared survival, so seek a unit to call your own.


None. His followers generally believe Holidays serve no purpose and are thus useless.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To teach all creatures how to survive and cast off the shackles of needless aesthetics and unnecessary beauty or form.   Weed out all kinds of weakness.   Watch eternally for threats to himself, his followers, or the world at large.   Guard all life and keep it alive.
  • ...
  • 134. Birthdays.
  • 135. Greetings.
  • 136. Showmanship.
  • 137. Money.
  • 138. Excessively long lists.
  • ...
— Excerpt from A list of all things irrelevant to survival, Book 2
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Areas of Concern
Sea Elves, Half-Elves, Explorers, Town Guards, Soldiers, Mercenaries, Mailmen, Monks
Main Temple/Location
The Fortress-Cathedral of Decamundus, recently built anew over a grueling 10 years by Hākem's newly christened mortal champion who has named themselves Ashe
Holy Animal
Holy Colors
Bronze, Emerald
Holy Number


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