Yamamoto Moritomo

The first Emperor of the Inaran Imperium, divine ruler chosen by the Gods

Emperor Moritomo Shao Yamamoto (a.k.a. The Warhawk)

What great irony, my life is. 'Only the young and the foolish rush towards war' - This is what the passing of time has taught me.   Having spent one's whole life in battle, having finally been given an opportunity to be free of it...   Only to find myself forced to send my people in my place to fight a war that I cannot turn away from. A war that I cannot end.   What great irony, indeed.
— Excerpt from Emperor Yamamoto's Memoirs

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though he has remained in excellent physical condition all his life, Moritomo now nevertheless has reached the twilight of his life and as such has begun to experience corresponding physical degredation - growing more and more infirm with each passing year. However, much like his father Targutai Shao, he remains a mighty and powerful man despite the slow approach of old age - and in many ways has become even more mighty in the twilight of his life.   As to his physical condition, however, he is unfortunately long past his prime - rumors persist that he has contracted some sort of wasting sickness, but information on this has never been confirmed as of yet. If true, it makes his deadly skill with a blade even more utterly transcendental.   Supposedly, many within The Inaran Imperium and within the ranks of Moritomo's own most loyal subordinates are desperately seeking a sample of the legendary Sun Orchid Elixir said to reverse the course of time and aging upon they who drink it - desperately wishing to return their liege lord to the height of his power that he may rule them for longer.

Body Features

Though his body was once muscular and powerful as befits a man who spent his entire life fighting, Moritomo's body has like all men been subject to the ravages of time - his fur going white and silver as his skin grows wrinkled and old. Now, where was he was a looming and impressive beast of an Ursini lies now a sunken, almost emaciated man that to all outside observers would appear to be wholly harmless.

Facial Features

His furred face scarred and battered, Moritomo's face is one of rugged charm much like his father Targutai Shao - blessed with the same rugged charm that won his father the attentions of Tamamo-No-Mae so long ago. The fur on his face, while once a beautiful chestnut brown, has long since streaked through with silver as wrinkles have overtaken his eyes and snout.   Miraculously, he has somehow never lost an eye or large chunks of his face - a feat which speaks volumes to his skill as a warrior.

Identifying Characteristics

Typically, Moritomo is a man impossible to miss for the simple reason that he is the Emperor of The Inaran Imperium - for where he goes, a cavalcade of retainers and warriors and servants of all kinds follow behind him.   Personally, however, he is somewhat less identifiable unless he is in his full battle regalia - in which case he cuts a terrifying image. However, as he rarely wears such gear now in his old age, he appears as a seemingly harmless and somewhat unhealthily thin old man.

Physical quirks

Moritomo's only physical quirk in his old age is his oddly skinny and unhealthy appearance - as if large chunks of his body have sunken in and made him as thin as a rail. His skin even appears yellowed and jaundiced in some places, only fueling rumors of his suffering from some kind of disease, but such has never been confirmed.

Special abilities

Moritomo, much like his father Targutai Shao, bears no special abilities aside from his own transcendental skill with a blade - even moreso than that of his father Targutai Shao who was world renowned for his prowess with his legendary Heartblade Techniques that earned his father the title of 'Sword Saint'.   Now, Moritomo himself, having mastered his father's techniques after being taught them from his father himself before his passing, has become the fourth being in the history of the entire Inaran Imperium to be crowned 'Sword Saint' - and, having spent his entire life further refining the techniques mastered by his father, Moritomo has reached the absolute pinnacle of swordsmanship such that it borders on the supernatural, or the divine; a skill so mighty that even in his twilight years, he has proven utterly invincible.   Having utterly mastered his own mind and body and reached a state of "zero" or "zen" that has let him become superhumanly skilled with a blade, Moritomo's only limitations on his utter mastery is the sad fact that he only reached it in the twilight of his life - the one time his mastery was put on full display during the events of The Night of Eight Disgraces which saw the Imperial Palace Complex assaulted by a horde of assassins sent by those who sought to depose him as Emperor, Moritomo unleashed his pinnacle technique and, with a single swing, cleaved a third of the entire Imperial Palace complex off its foundations - a swing that cleaved the hearts of every single assassin in the complex in twain within their chests(Without damaging the rest of their bodies) while leaving every single pure soul in the complex untouched. Though, the price of this technique was high - as he nearly died from the toll it enacted upon his frail body.

Apparel & Accessories

In his heyday, Moritomo was seldom seen without his utterly resplendent battle regalia - his beautiful suit of handcrafted black and gold armor adorned with the banner of his house and the throne of Emperor and fearsome armored mask stylized in the visage of a proud hawk. His armor, adorned with the feathers of countless hawks and other birds and beasts that Moritomo hunted over the course of his life, was and still is a gorgeous sight - though he rarely wears it now due to his own old age and physical infirmity.

Specialized Equipment

While his own warsuit seldom adorns his person, Moritomo's most prized possession is that of his father's blade - the blade rather simply named Taka for his father's love of birds. This blade, passed down to Moritomo from his father, has seen countless battles and has been cared for flawlessly over two entire lifetimes - and has accomplished a great deal of impressive feats ranging from severing the seventh tail of Tamamo-No-Mae during her duel with Targutai Shao to even completely severing the mountain the city of Seidhvist lays beneath from the mainland during Moritomo's assault on it during the Age of Troubles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to his father Targutai Shao a scant few years before his death, Moritomo was born Shao Moritomo - a product of his father and an unknown woman whose identity was never made public. As his father's only child, Moritomo was raised to serve as the next Daimyo of The Ursidae Dynasties - eagerly trained in the arts of war, politics, art, poetry, and all matters of state and history and education by his father and his father's advisors, Moritomo scarcely had a chance to reach adulthood before, to his great dismay, Tamamo-No-Mae ascended into Major Godhood - and after restructuring the entire Imperium into The Inaran Imperium, named him of all people after her ascension as her Divinely Chosen Incarnation upon the mortal plane.   Given the seat of Emperor at the tender of 19 and taking the name "Yamamoto" in place of his previous family name of "Shao"(A move done to abide the traditions of ancient Inaran Generals and Leaders in the age before Tamamo-No-Mae where rulers would take a new name upon their coronation), Moritomo was essentially forced into leading his people into a war against west - leading the charge from the frontlines of a 'holy war' waged to honor the ascension of Tamamo-No-Mae. He fought for decades against the west, which ultimately culminated in his assault on the mountain citadel of Seidhvist(Former stronghold of The Kingdom of Aslaga) where he, using the Heartblade Techniques of his father Targutai Shao, severed the mountain under which Seidhvist lay from the mainland and cracked the citadel asunder to allow his armies a chance to pillage and plunder it.   Returning home once the continental shattering destroyed The Shattered Corridor and threatened to prevent their overland return home, Moritomo guided his people through the chaos of the times which ultimately culminated in the current Age of Godsfall - which saw the gods cast back down to the mortal plane in exile by the newly reborn spirit of Atlas, The Ineffable for their eons of crimes and olympian attitudes towards their mortal constituents. Now, charged with leading the country even in the face of Tamamo-No-Mae's forced return to the mortal plane, Moritomo has proven an utterly masterful ruler whose wisdom and strength has kept his kingdom together in a time of great crisis such that, upon her return, Tamamo-No-Mae herself was said to have a personal meeting with him that, while utterly private, was likely a meeting of congratulations to the aging Emperor for keeping the Imperium together and united so expertly.


As a man who spent much of his youth on the battlefield, Moritomo was a well-known philanderer in his youth - though in his twilight years he has settled down with a wife and had a handful of children for which he cares for and dotes on constantly.


Born to his father Targutai Shao, Leader of The Ursidae Dynasties, Moritomo was given all the education and training the son of a king would be expected to have - trained heavily in the arts of statesmanship, combat, politics, arts, and more.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mastered The Heartblade Techniques before he reached 18 years of age.   Became Emperor of The Inaran Imperium at the age of 19.   Led the armies of the Imperium into battle against Corexus and commanding an effective invasion of The Wild Lands and siege of the mountain citadel of Seidhvist, easternmost city of The Kingdom of Aslaga.   Cut the mountain in which Seidhvist was built under off of the mainland and plundered the citadel.   Successfully kept the Imperium together as its first emperor for decades through some of the worst periods of chaos and strife the planet of Ea has ever seen, and helped it prosper despite the chaos of the times.   Through his actions, laid the most essential foundations for the ethics and actions expected of the Inaran Emperor for centuries to come - and set the precedent for all who would come after him.

Failures & Embarrassments

Unable to resist his greed nor lust for glory, he kept his armies in Seidhvist for too long after he conquered it and, as a result, was forced to duel Aslauge Daenic and her warband in the fields outside Seidhvist in order to buy his army time to retreat - though many of his men died in the process despite his heroism.   As a result of this duel, though he put up a valiant fight, he was crushed into the ground and spent nearly a year and a half bound beneath the feet of Aslauge Daenic and her warmaster Sigrid Grimr in an eternal Banahogg - returning to his homeland only after the Imperium paid a ludicrously extortionist fee to Aslauge Daenic personally to ensure his release.

Mental Trauma

Though his own closed-off heart means such things are pure speculation, nothing was likely more traumatizing to Moritomo than his first kill - when he was forced to behead a rival commander he bested in battle at the tender age of 11. This, coupled with his later humiliation at the hands of Aslauge Daenic, likely led to his sour attitude on rushing headlong into conflict.

Intellectual Characteristics

Above all things, Moritomo is a careful, quiet schemer - a man with a heart so closed off and protected that he remains an utter myster to his allies and enemies alike. Quiet and contemplative, he rushes headlong into nothing in his life and often consults his own inner thoughts or even the gods themselves before any action he takes that could have lasting consequences - mocked in quiet circles as "Emperor Wait-and-See", he nonetheless is an incredibly patient man who, rather than boast or rely on bravado, quiet bides his time until the right moment to surgically strike and utterly decapitate his enemies literally or figuratively.   Far-thinking and wise, Moritomo ever has an eye on the big picture - in ways that often go so far as to make him seem foolish or stupid to those around him.   Additionally, while a trait that only holds meaning to other Inarans, Moritomo is a rather progressive man - willing to entertain the service of barbarians, women, or any number of people normally considered outcast or unseemly by Inaran society, though often through the lens of a cold-hearted schemer who simply cannot afford to let the pieces on his board go to waste for reasons as foolish as xenophobia or bias.

Morality & Philosophy

Moritomo's morality is an utter and absolute mystery to most all who know him - on the one hand he seems almost obsessed with the wellbeing of his subordinates and caring for those under his charge no matter what, while on the other he heartlessly discards them with ruthless efficiency if it furthers his plans in some way. This contradiction, combined with his own seclusion and closed-off heart, makes him an utter mystery to all except those who are closest to him.

Personality Characteristics


Rather infamously, Moritomo is a man whose heart is so guarded that none can truly guess its contents - even his very closest advisors. As such, his motivations are ultimately unknown but as Emperor of The Inaran Imperium he is, at the very least, tasked with its protection and ensuring its continued stability and prosperity.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely talented Tactician, Military Leader, Political Leader, Politician, Warrior, Hunter, Philosopher, Scholar, Theologian, Poet, Artist, Seeing the true nature of things, Excellent Intuition, ???   Inept at Confiding in others, Trusting in others, Controlling his anger(Mostly during his youth), ???

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: War(During his youth), Peace(During his latter years), Quiet, Being Alone, Long Nature Walks, The sound of Rain, Writing Poetry, Painting, Practicing the Blade Techniques inherited from his father, His father, His Mother, ???   Dislikes: War(During his latter years), Those who speak at length about a simple point, Arrogant Posturing, The Privileged, Funerals, Those who ask about his mother, The Burden of Rule, The Fact he was chosen for Emperor, ???

Virtues & Personality perks

Time and again, Moritomo has proven himself a man of countless virtues and a superb choice for the seat of Emperor - a man who, in his youth, was tempestous and utterly drawn to the battlefield, he has lived through the horrors of countless wars and through the horrendous chaos of the Age of Troubles and emerged an utterly wizened man; having beheaded his first man at the tender of age of 11, Moritomo, while not a true pacifist, is perhaps the best suited for the role of leadership because he ultimately does not seek it nor its trappings. A man who has long believed that only the young, the foolish, and those who have not yet seen the horrors of war would seek it out, Moritomo is a man who knows the value of peace and of keeping it - loathe to leap to war if it could at all be avoided, he is a superb tactician and cunning man whose awareness of his enemies' plans and his own manifold plans make him seem almost omniscient.   A true genius on both the battlefield and the courtroom, Moritomo is an utter exemplar of Inaran values and customs - a man whose moves and plans go utterly unnoticed and come together in beautiful, almost terrifyingly effective symphonies that make him appear to those who view him as a genius without peer who seems almost able to read his enemies' thoughts or divine the future. Wise, thoughtful, and sagely, Moritomo is a scholar and a thinker whose genius is so vast that those underneath him from his closest advisors to his most lowly citizens put absolute faith in his ability to lead them no matter how confusing or convoluted his plans may seem to them.   An utterly reliable man whose sternness, stoicism, discipline, and willingness to stand by his allies side even unto his death makes him a great ally to the Inaran military, Moritomo is a bastion of efficiency and strength in a time of chaos for The Inaran Imperium that many know they can rely on to see them through who not only cares for them, but also goes out of his way to get to know his men and subordinates personally and even teach and guide them so that they might understand his plans and serve him better in the future. Perhaps best of all to those who enjoy such things, Moritomo is a man whose tongue is notoriously sharp - he is an utter master at riding the line of Inaran tradition to remain within the bounds of tradition while sharply hiding his insults and barbs in ways that make his insults and derisions painfully obvious yet simultaneously veiled beneath a veneer of politeness; a means and way of speaking which those of military or lowborn status relish and enjoy.

Vices & Personality flaws

For all his virtues, Moritomo's vices are subtle enough that few that do not know him well could understand them - chiefmost among these is just how guarded he keeps his own heart and thoughts. Utterly alone and unwilling to explain himself or confide in just about anyone except his most trusted friend or mentor, Moritomo is a man who easily comes off as cold and calculating - and often is, as he often uses those beneath him as little more than tools despite his own care for them; an almost hypocritical policy contrasting with the care and attention he gives his subordinates that seems to cause him little to no issues.   Seemingly willing to heartlessly discard those around him if it furthers his plans, Moritomo is a man who is rarely exposes his true feelings to even his own children - expecting those he speaks to to read between the lines of his speech and almost never speaking plainly or explaining things unless doing so out of exasperation to someone he sees as utterly incompetent or incapable of understanding what he wishes them to.


Though he has always been a military man, Moritomo keeps a fastidious appearance even before his acension to emperor - always placing a great emphasis on appearance, form, and what he wears and how he wears it. As such, he has always cut a fairly impressive appearance that makes him a fairly impressive sight to behold.



As the first Emperor of The Inaran Imperium after Tamamo-No-Mae's Ascension into Major Godhood as Tamamo-No-Mae, The Dominator, Moritomo has had a tumultuous reign as the being who was given the unfortunate role of serving as the director successor to the thousand-year reign of Tamamo-No-Mae - a task enviable by no one. However, despite this, he took command of the nation with all the wisdom of his father Targutai and prove himself a competent and effective Emperor - securing his position despite taking the throne at the tender age of 19 after it was revealed he was to be the divine vessel of Tamamo-No-Mae on the material plane, young Moritomo waste no time solidifying the Imperium's civil and governmental restructuring plans before leading his armies west across The Shattered Corridor to invade the lands of Corexus in a two-pronged assault that saw his forces attack The Kingdom of Aslaga from its eastern border while simultaneously making a wartime landing on the eastern coast of The Wild Lands to invade on a second front.   While he did not personally oversee the landing on the eastern coast of The Wild Lands, he personally oversaw the invasion across The Shattered Corridor and not only nearly took the fortified city of Seidhvist despite being outnumbered and attacking a defending mountain citadel, but also successfully held the offensive against Aslauge Daenic and her warband for nearly one full minute to allow his armies to retreat back eastward when it became clear that a Continental Cracking was imminent.   Even since, he has proven the glue that has held the fledgling Imperium together - and under his rule, the nation has only continued to solidify its foothold on Corexus while strengthening its power base back on its home continent.

Contacts & Relations

In his capacity as Emperor, divine vessel of Tamamo-No-Mae, The Dominator upon the material plane, it is no exaggeration to say his contacts are essentially infinite - his authority so vast and intense that not a single creature within the entire Imperium would not bend to his commands or orders in some capacity.   However, in a more personal capacity, he has a great deal of relations as well - though oddly for such a powerful ruler, they are almost exclusively among the Imperium's military rather than its nobility. As a man who grew up in the army and got his start in warfare, Moritomo's contacts and relations that best respect him and know him are military in nature - many of whom have served under him or fought alongside him and thus have forged bonds with him that cannot be easily broken or forgotten with time, making him incredibly popular among the Imperium's vast and expansive military; a feat which has served him well during his reign.   However, while he has inroads with all the Imperium's Nobility thanks to his station as Emperor, he lacks essentially any personal connections to them as with the military - as a man who grew up constantly irked(As many military men are in Inara) with the arrogance and trappings of the nobility who bicker and complain while others fight and die on their behalf, he is fairly well-known to maintain connections with the Nobility in a professional sense only, rather than in a personal or respectful sense as with the Military.   Due to all of this, it is easy to see why Emperor Moritomo has stood for most of his reign as an Emperor with extremely close and friendly ties to the military - a fact which has long helped him solidify his position and defend against his enemies.

Family Ties

Though he was born to the illustrious Targutai Shao, Moritomo was unfortunately his father's only son - and after his father's passing shortly after his birth, he was left without family ties to speak of as his mother's identity was never made public.

Religious Views

Like many Inarans, Moritomo is a believer and follower of Tamamo-No-Mae, The Dominator - and as one of the last generation to be born before her ascension into Major Godhoos as Tamamo-No-Mae, The Dominator, his faith is quite strong indeed and has been even before his ascension to the throne of Emperor. However, it is perhaps to be expected - as Emperor, he is considered the Divinely Chosen Envoy of Tamamo-No-Mae, The Dominator upon the material plane, so it would be altogether strange and borderline heretical to not believe in or follow the ways of his own deity.

Social Aptitude

Thankfully for the fledgling Inaran Imperium, Moritomo is a fairly charismatic man well lauded for his social graces - ever the cunning fox, Moritomo's social aptitude is potent enough such that most all who meet him are enraptured by his charm in relatively short order. A careful and cunning strategist on and off the battlefield, his charisma is one born of and inspired by his military tactics - playing his enemies against each other and presenting a charming facade until the very moment his plans come to fruition.   Well known as a man with a heart so guarded none but him could ever truly guess its contents, Moritomo lacks the overpowering extroverted charisma of his peers but makes up for it with a quiet, stoic air of mystery whose competence means that his eccentricity inspires an almost fanatical level of loyalty in his followers. To those who have met him, his charms stem from his keen mind and sharp intellect - knowing exactly what to say, knowing when to say it, and knowing how to present his words and ideas just as much as he knows what to say. All this and more makes up the core of Moritomo's charisma - an aged, wizened warlord as cunning as he is mighty, who inspires and leads with quiet confidence and sees through his enemies plans as if he were prescient.


Said to have possessed "the spirit of an old man by the time he was barely a boy", Moritomo has always been wise beyond his years - a nature which has ever translated into his mannerisms. Stoic, reserved, and patient, he watches and waits with quiet intensity as events unfold around him - perfect to a fault in his adherence to tradition, he does nothing in excess and speaks with all the careful grace and cunning of a man who knows he must play the game of politics to advance his agendas.   Often, he is described as incredibly contemplative - spending long periods of time in silence thinking, either in his chambers or, more commonly, out on long walks through Inara's forests and woodlands to quell his raging mind and think of the issues at hand in the presence of the gods alone.

Hobbies & Pets

Though his busy life has long meant he scarcely has time for things such as hobbies or pets, he is well-known to be an avid hunter who enjoys hunting trips into forests to still his mind by communing with nature and its beasts - so much so that his bodyguards often despair at his frequent hunting trips as they often make guarding him incredibly difficult.

Wealth & Financial state

As the Emperor of The Inaran Imperium, his wealth is expectedly immense - all the wealth of the Imperium his and his alone to wield as he sees fit for whatever things he desires.   As for his personal wealth, it is not insignificant either - as the inheritor of his father Targutai's illustrious Targutai dynasty(Though he took a "Royal Name" upon his ascension to the throne) he has a vast degree of wealth and resources at his disposal as well as the countless valuables plundered from the west during his conquests across The Shattered Corridor.
So, you think me easy prey, do you? Come to cut down an old man past his prime?   Hng. Only a hundred assassins? Truly, my enemies underestimate me...it's almost insulting. I figured they would have sent more, after all the effort I went through to provoke them into this little debacle.   Hear me, Assassins! My blade is that of my father, Targutai Shao! I am master of the Heartblade Techniques, as my father before me!   My blade is that which sundered the western mountains! That severed the seventh tail of the Kitsune Queen at my father's hand!   Now, you will see the Zenith my father failed to reach - The Transcendental Peak which conquers all doubt, attainable once in a thousand lifetimes! The peak he sought his whole life - the peak I, Shao Moritomo, have reached in his honor that he may at last be at peace!   Do you see, father? The pinnacle, at last? I can feel your spirit - it quakes at my side!   Now - vanish.
— Emperor Yamamoto, During the Night of Eight Disgraces
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Ruling the Imperium from its capital of Kitsunheim
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Emperor Yamamoto, The Warhawk, The Dragon of the Sundered Corridor, The Heartblade Inheritor, The Boy-Emperor, The Mountain-Splitter, Little Shao
Year of Birth
2050 AF 70 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to his father Targutai Shao on his deathbed as his father's one and only son, born to an unknown mother.
Ursune, Capital of the Dynasties
Current Residence
The Imperial Palace in Kitsunheim
Dark blue, Stormy, Intense
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown Fur, Streaked with Silver and White due to age
Aligned Organization


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