The Imperial Maeish Codex

The Constitution and Main Legal Document of the Imperium

Document Structure


The Codex is divided into articles and subsections. The Articles notate various laws passed by the Government, and the subsections notate addendums, additions, or additions made later that are relevant to that law.

Publication Status

Publicly Available

Legal status

Defines the Legal Laws and Regulations within The Eastern Imperium under the authority of its God-Queen, Tamamo-No-Mae, The Kitsune Queen.

Historical Details


The Imperial Maeish Codex was created, signed, and ratified into law to mark The Establishment of The Eastern Imperium at the end of The Unification War, when Tamamo-No-Mae, The Kitsune Queen led her armies and won against the last of the threats plaguing the land. Creating this document and founding The Eastern Imperium upon the ashes and subjugated people she had conquered in the war as well as the allies she made along the way, Tamamo's ascension to God-Queen and the existing of The Imperium itself is marked by the creation of this document, which was said to be a joint creation by Tamamo and all her closest allies to ensure they would build a country that would last for an eternity, and one that would be a bastion of law and order that would never fall to chaos and rebellion.


The Imperial Maeish Codex was borne from the chaos of The Unification War, and its creation marked the founding of The Eastern Imperium and Tamamo-No-Mae's rise to power and absolute and total rulership over the entire country.

Public Reaction

Having been saved from the unending chaos and mindless war of the times before The Unification War, the public who had followed her to victory rejoiced at Tamamo's victory and happily embraced the founding of the Imperium and the signage of this document, as both meant living in a time where they could finally rely on law and order to keep them safe and where they had an absolute Goddess and Queen to watch over and protect them.


As it has led to the founding of the entire Eastern Imperium, the public and country considers it a beloved and integral part of their country's history.


Text, Legislative
Authoring Date
1408 UTD(Universal Timeline Date)
Ratification Date
1408 UTD(Universal Timeline Date)
Expiration Date
Signatories (Characters)


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