Venat (VEH-natt)

The Venat, also known as Sharpfeet, are an ethnicity of owlin with ties to the Plane of Storms. They commonly resemble barn, grass, sooty, and masked owls of the Materium, which were created in their image by the goddess Keshava.   The proverbial story of the creation of these owlin dates back to the early first Age of Anguish, when the Venat and the Myelos genasi formed a pact of survival.   In those days, the two groups were trapped in the Plane of Air by the Prideful gods that were rebelling against humanity. The air had been cursed with a toxin that made it nearly impossible to leave the plane, and the two groups banded together to forage and hunt. At the time, the Venat had no wings and the Myelos had no elemental affiliation.    Seeing the pitiable creatures struggle awoke some sympathy in two gods: Keshava the hawk goddess of freedom, and Sivillos the wrathful god of storm. To give their distant descendants a fighting chance, the two deities imbued the Venat with wings and the Myelos with elemental affinity. With these blessings, the tribes were able to fly across the vast skies of the Plane of Air and find seams in its Dial that would allow their escape. They would fly through Chorus to the Plane of Storms, where thousands of years later they would join with the city-state of Zivilon.