
Grimmy is a shaper construct who serves as a deckhand aboard the Nomad. Silent and menacing, Grimmy has proven remarkably effective in battle. He uses his spear gun to reel in enemies toward him with brutal efficiency.  
Rifles 1d10
Dodge 1d10
Block 1d10
Charge* 1d8
Spot 1d8
Spears 1d8

Traits & Edges
Pace 6"
Toughness 6
Damage: Spear Rifle 2d8 -4 AP
Spear: 2d8

Spear-Gun: Ignores cover bonus from water. On hit, transports enemy to adjacent square.

Volt Spear: Deals an extra 1d8 damage when charged* (Loading Value 10), or an extra 2d8 to targets in water.
  In a time before organic life on the spheres, the Forger created the Shapers to terraform the land, sky, and seas. Grimmy is a type of shaper known as a Grim Angler, built during The Saints' War, a time when the first organic civilization rose and clashed with the Forger's constructs. The organics won the war, and Grimmy's people fell under the control of Raina, the Geit Saint of the seas and tides. She took on a giant construct body so she could oversee her domains beyond that of her normal lifespan.   However, the Saints' rule was interrupted when one of their number, the Saint of the Wind and Skies, Shrike corrupted The Forge in an attempt to usurp it. He create the Shrikevind and scattered most of the Geit who followed the Saints across time. Without its adherents, The Forge fell into disrepair from lack of use, and many of the Shapers became Nectar-Drinkers; constructs who broke away from The Forge and powered themselves using nectar. Eventually, Raina found her own shaper body deteriorating into a nectar-drinker, and she ordered Grimmy and the others who remained loyal to her to chain her to her throne.   Grimmy fell at some point during the battle between Raina's loyalists and the nectar drinkers and remained inactive for thousands of years. The Party stumbled across him when they ascended The Forge and brought him back online. They had fought dozens of other Grim Anglers inside The Forge, and expected Grimmy to be an extra piece of cannon fodder to cover their ascent. However, through luck or determination, Grimmy proved remarkably effective in battle, clearing a path to Raina's throne room and even helping the Corsairs destroy her corrupted body. Impressed with Grimmy's accumen, the Party sent him back to their ship so they could benefit from his skills in future battles while they continued to ascend The Forge.


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