Alqadima, The Crawling Oasis
The Capital of the Yuan-ti nation of Apophia, also known The Crawling Oasis by the masses. supports a large population located next to the Nehe river. The elements tend to keep most outsiders at bay but it is often harassed by dessert bandits in harder times. The City has been around for Millenia and despite the rough desert climate and weather many monuments and buildings from times past stand well taken care of.
The Bazaar of Alqadima is crowded and full of life just traveling through the marketplace is a hassle sometimes, pickpockets, shady salesmen, and ravenous shoppers are present at all times often requiring travelers to express some tact and planning when entering the markets of the oasis. Under the Emperor Orochi's rule trade had begun to dry up due to his Purist Policies only allow a very select few traders and craftsmen to trade with the city, but now that Empress Wu has returned everyone expects the river of trade to resume as it had before she was deposed by her overly Zealous nephew.
Humans, Tabaxi, Yuan-Ti, and a ethnic group of Arakcockra inhabit and dominate the population of the city.
Ruled by a Strict cast system that dictates who can serve where , own property, and operate a business within the city and nations boarders. They are ruled by an emperor from the ruling cast usually but occasionally an emperor will rise to power from other casts upsetting the traditional order of the nation.
No walls as the desert provides an adequate defense, but a series of check points and barricades do exist during times of strife.
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