Emissary of Nexus Character in CREATION | World Anvil
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Emissary of Nexus

Secretly an Eclipse Caste Solar Exalted, this ancient entity has ruled Nexus for nearly 800 years. He has always acted as a puppeteer behind the Council of Entities until recently. In RY 831, he has for the first time stepped out of the shadow and claimed Lordship over his city.     From CoTD Vol1: The Scanvenger Lands:
THE EMISSARY   In RY 52, the Emissary made his appearnce. Robed in white and wearing a silver mask, the Emissary claimed to speak for a body called the Council of entities, which now laid claim to the city of Nexus.   Those who opposed the Council, it claimed, would die. Some leaders attacked the Emissary directly and died horrible deaths: choking on their own blood, being suddenly turned inside out or turning their own weapons on themselves. Other leaders who ignored the Emissary's proclamations were killed by more mundane methods: poison, garroting, arrows from dark alley and kidney stabs from hired assassins. By the end of the year, the Council of Entities - its will enforced by the Emissary - had control of Nexus. [...]
In the last 10 years as more and more Solars have returned to Creation, the Emissary has slowly begun to interest himself in the affair of the world again. He befriended many Exalted resident in Nexus, including Auroponte Dii and Asuma the Merciful, others, he has banished from his city.   Under the urging of these young and eager Solars, the Emissary slowly remembers his old duty. He has formed a secret council with these Exalted, debating not the business of one city, but the entire World.   In RY 828 - 830, he sent Asuma the Merciful on many secret diplomatic missions to gain allies of Nexus' War against the Realm. In RY 830 - 831, he sent Auroponte Dii to Good Harbor to take over as the Commander of the Nexus' Mercenaries.   Currently, he has officially stepped out of the shadow to claim the lordship over Nexus and is directing Nexus to prepare against the forces of darkness.

Divine Classification
Solar Exalted
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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