Nivin Tarnuval Character in CREATION | World Anvil
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Nivin Tarnuval

Prince Nivin Tarnuval

Nivin is given the honorable title of Prince for he is the last legitimate male heir of the Houses Duran and Tarnuval.   Remembering nothing of his home, which was sacked and destroyed when he was but 1 year old, Nivin grew up wandering the hundred kingdoms and training with the few survivors of his people. He is reluctant about his heritage, thinking there is little to return to.   Later, Nivin was fostered in Castle Rowan by the Erkenberts, where he formed a close friendship to Harduin Aldarich, Kastor Erkenbert and his own cousing Lief Lindeman.   In RY 825, Nivin partook in the raid of Castle Yiffnar and murdered Rowan Yiffnar the Cruel, who destroyed his home and supposedly murdered his mother.   After that, Niving joined Marlekyle of Valka and became a knight. During his survice as Knight, Nivin lost the trust of his people and fought against them in the Tarnuval Uprisings, albeit reluctantly.   In RY 831, Nivin acompanied Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth to the north during the events of The Curse of Mudsnow.


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

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