Arasaka Waterfront

The Arasaka Waterfront is a sub-district of Watson in Night City. It is owned by the Arasaka Corporation.


The Waterfront is the bulwarked island of the corporate authority in the lawless lands of Watson. Unless you are an Arasaka employee, you are completely not welcomed.

The Arasaka Waterfront is an important link in the corporation's local supply chain. Official data states that hundreds of shipments come through the Waterfront every month, packed and sorted by automated robots to be sent to other corporate-owned warehouses and outposts. That being said most people are unable to see much of anything inside.

The Japanese zaibatsu built a wall all around the Waterfront to keep Watson inhabitants at bay; gangers, scavengers, and meddlesome reporters. It's reinforced with motion detectors, electrified razor wire, and autonomic armored gun turrets, the wall protects Arasaka property form unwanted guests and trespassers
Location under
Owning Organization