
Kabuki is a sub-district of Watson, in Night City.  


Kabuki was once the pride of the Japanese medical corporations in this part of Night City. It was adjacent to the famous Med Center, and as a result the whole area flourished and prospered. Nowadays, with all the other corpos either dissolved by Arasaka or transferred to the other bank of the gulf, Kabuki is possibly the poorest sub-district of the city outside of Pacifica .

The area was quickly repopulated with Chinese diaspora before turning into the shadiest bazaar imaginable. During the daytime Kabuki has narrow, tangled alleyways full of chop suey joints, seedy cosmetic boutiques, and cheap junk shops, all decorated with Chinese lampions and flickering neon lights. During the night, Kabuki is the heart of Night City's black market for all manner of illegal transactions. Implants, organs, combat drugs, prototype cyber augmentations, steroids, synth-viruses, snuff braindance recordings-it's all there to buy if you know the right places and people. There are allegedly several black clinics operating in hidden basements or backrooms that install illicit military and prototype cyberware, right from the labs of Chiba City or top-notch Scandinavian bio-clinics or so the ripperdocs all claim. Some of the merchants in the hood are supplied by Scavengers.

The whole area is densely populated, except for the northern edge where warehouses and abandoned factories are occupied by various gangs, transients, and junkies. Tyger Claws maintain a presence in the area, as do some Maelstrom members from the NID , but neither of them claim territory of Kabuki. The Mox now hold control of the sub-district. Lizzie's Bar, one of Kabuki's most popular braindance clubs and brothels, is under their jurisdiction.  


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