Northside Industrial District

Northside Industrial District (NID) is a sub-district of Watson in Night City.  


Northside Industrial District (NID) was once Watson's prosperous factory sub-district. Nowadays its desolate and neglected, its factories are mostly non-functional and abandoned due to odd earthquake damage and a lack of investments by Japanese corporations that originally financed this area.

New apartments blocks were built on the edge of the district to hide it from the rest of Night City. They're home to mid-level employees who manage the few operational factories in this area.

Still people need to live here. Many have come here looking for opportunity and a new life. They got a big chance to work in the factory, and now they are stuck in limbo. Some other residents of the NID are much worse. The Maelstrom claim this area as their territory. They use its abandoned buildings as hideouts, illegal braindance studios, and warehouses for the loot they steal from the corporate transports.  


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