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The Third Principality of Sraebadah is found as shifting dunes spill into rocky outcroppings. While it's own coast is not as verdant or full of life as Suhul life springs up along it, dotting further out into the desert with small oases stretching into the Dunes of Yati Almawt the massive desert that dominates most of the majority of the landmass of Sraebadah. The Basilisks founded the dangerous land by living under the surface and constructing the glorious subterranean capital that is Ghas'Kaatan out of the incredibly powerful and intimidating Jueanic Iron. The polished black stone gleaming even as it became the second largest city of the Province when they moved to terraform the ground above in Riyasha raising the entire city to hang in the air above the sheltered oasis below it. Ever vigilant and ever protecting.


The entire Province is one that is covered in shifting sand dunes that are blown to and fro from the wind coming off the sea and then when it rushes back out. It is pock marked with holes, caverns, canyons, and sinkholes as the bedrock that the sand sits on has been hallowed out and blasted from the sand flow. The few oases that spot the desert are the center of small towns and out posts but the majority of the population lives in Riyasha, the Shaded Oasis, and along the coastal cities to the west.


One of the most imposing cities in all of the Sraebadahn Empire the Capitol of Riyasha hangs in the air above a bowl in the desert. The rocky island sits hundreds of feet in the sky above the basin below it. Large, arching, land bridges reach from the lip of the bowl to the levitating island for access. 

Ruling Family



The people from Yatasa'al are a unique and varied lot. They rarely have taken the direct or the 'standard' approach to much. The basilisks went underground when the sun was too hot for them. They flourished and when they went to expand to welcome more of Sraebadah they didn't make it easier to get to their subterranean home they made a new one. They suspended it in the air in one of the most brilliant displays of magic in the Empire.


Much of the Trade that happens within the Province is brought in by their own Traders. When they aren't they usually have a basilisk to guide them as the honeycombed bedrock makes the safest and most direct trade routes. It gives them an edge to be able to navigate during the blistering heat with ease. The tunnels are not for the meek or the new though as mile after mile looks nearly identical and the remains of those lost down there are found from time to time.


Founded originally deep underground the Basilisks lived in their home of Ghas'Kaatan the underground tunnels honeycombing the entire Province letting them pop up all across it. The main tunnel down from the surface to the city is the safest path for those that do not know the tunnels. Countless hostile forces have been lost there only to wander through the tunnels forever or until their rations ran out and they were forced to guess at which plants that exist down there were poisonous. Unfortunately for them, it is most of them.



Current Era

Currently Riyasha is one of the most opulent cities in the Empire. The use of magic is common within the city but it isn't used often for study like at the Kuliyat Alshar here it is used for luxury. They have complete safety where they are and now have focused on improving the lives of all that call it home.

Recent Events

They have just started the construction of a large temple to Vinmys as a wedding destination for the most powerful and affluent families of Sraebadah. Sitting on the edge of the city the couple can be married in the sky as they beseech the God of Love to seal their union in harmony and happiness.


Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
Third Province of Sraebadah
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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Aug 14, 2021 05:27

So Riyasha became the capitol when they raised it over the oasis? Or did they raise Ghas'Kaatan and rename it Riyasha?

Aug 15, 2021 16:18

Riyasha became the capitol when it was raised. Ghas'Kaatan still stands as like the second biggest city and favored by those that don't do well in the heat or light.

Aug 15, 2021 19:49

Oh okay cool!