Lich Queen

In an age of chivalry and magic, there lived a noblewoman of unparalleled beauty and grace, Lady Elara. Her lineage was as old as the kingdom itself, and her reputation as a paragon of virtue was unmatched. Yet, beneath the gilded facade of perfection, a tempestuous soul raged.   Elara's world shattered when her betrothed, a valiant knight, perished in battle. Grief consumed her, a black hole devouring the light of her spirit. In her despair, she retreated to the secluded towers of her ancestral home, a prisoner of her sorrow.   Isolation fostered a bitter resentment towards a world that had taken her beloved from her. Her once radiant spirit twisted into a venomous core of hatred. In the darkest corners of her mind, a dangerous allure grew - the promise of power, of immortality. A whisper of a pact with the demon lord Orcus reached her ears, a tantalizing offer to exchange her mortal coil for eternal dominion.   Driven by a desperate thirst for vengeance, Elara accepted the infernal bargain. In a ritual of blood and shadow, her soul was claimed by Orcus. Her body, a vessel of darkness, was transformed into an abomination of life and death. The once noble lady was reborn as the Lich Queen, a harbinger of doom.   Her heart, once a sanctuary of love, became a frozen wasteland of malice. The gentle hands that had cradled infants now wielded necrotic energy. Her voice, once a melody of kindness, became a command of destruction. The Lich Queen was born, a twisted mockery of her former self.   Bound to Orcus, she became his most potent weapon. Her intellect, honed by centuries of life, combined with the demonic power granted to her, made her a formidable adversary. She led legions of undead, their skeletal forms a chilling testament to her dominion over death. Her goal: to plunge the world into eternal darkness, a mirror of the abyss that consumed her soul.   And so, the Lich Queen marches on, a specter of vengeance and despair. Her story is a cautionary tale of the depths to which a broken heart can sink, a chilling reminder that even the purest light can be extinguished by the consuming flames of darkness.


The Lich Queen often carries the Rod of Orcus

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elara, before her descent into darkness, was a woman of profound compassion. Her empathy was as vast as the oceans, and her spirit as bright as the midday sun. She was a healer, tending to the wounded with a touch as gentle as a summer breeze. Her love for her betrothed, a knight named Kaelan, was a beacon in her life, a love story whispered in the annals of the kingdom.

It was Kaelan's untimely death that ignited the inferno within her. The world, once painted in hues of hope, turned to shades of grey. The woman who had mended countless broken bodies found herself unable to heal her own shattered heart. In her despair, she sought solace in forbidden arts, desperate for a way to bring Kaelan back.

Orcus, the Lord of Undeath, saw an opportunity. He sensed the raw, unbridled pain in Elara's heart, a fertile ground for corruption. With promises of power and the illusion of reunion with Kaelan, he ensnared her soul. The transformation was agonizing, a fiery crucible that stripped away her humanity. Her body became a grotesque husk, her spirit a tormented captive.

The Lich Queen's Reign of Terror As the Lich Queen, Elara is a paradox. A brilliant tactician with an eidetic memory, she is also a creature of pure malice. Her intellect, once used to heal, now serves to destroy. She is a master of manipulation, weaving intricate webs of deceit to achieve her goals. Her voice, once soothing, is now a chilling whisper, carrying the weight of centuries of despair.

Her ultimate goal is to reshape the world into a desolate, undead kingdom. She envisions a world devoid of life, where pain and suffering are the only constants. In her twisted logic, this is a form of "peace" - a world free from the heartbreak she endured.

To achieve this, she employs an army of the undead, from mindless ghouls to intelligent necromancers. She seeks powerful artifacts and relics that can amplify her power, and she is constantly on the hunt for new, dark magic to learn. Her influence extends far beyond her physical presence, as she manipulates mortals to serve her cause, turning them into agents of chaos and destruction.

The Lich Queen is a complex villain, driven by a tragic backstory. Her actions are fueled by a twisted sense of justice, a desire to inflict upon the world the same pain she experienced. Yet, beneath the layers of hatred and despair, a flicker of the woman she once was remains, a ghost haunting her undead existence.



Servant (Important)

Towards Lich Queen



Lich Queen

Master (Trivial)

Towards Syndri



Orcus the Demon Lord

Master (Trivial)

Towards Lich Queen



Lich Queen

Servant (Vital)

Towards Orcus the Demon Lord



Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin

Soldier (Important)

Towards Lich Queen



Lich Queen

General (Important)

Towards Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin



Duke Guaicaipuro

Peer (Important)

Towards Lich Queen



Lich Queen

Peer (Important)

Towards Duke Guaicaipuro




These two have worked together several times over the last few centuries but do not actually like each other. The Duke sees the Lich Queen as making too much of a scene and dislikes the idea of destroying civilization. It is only the Demon Lord himself that keep these two fighting on the same side.

Stats and Abilities

Undead - Lich
CLASS: Undead (Lich)/NPC - Monster
APR: 2
(due to magic protection, but is considered armor for pupoeses for Archer and Barbarian abilities)
Scroll Use: Basic, Divine, Spirit, Arcane
Ghost Talker: Yes


Undead: May be the target of Divine Blast spells, healing powers and effects deal damage instead.
Powerful Undead: Due to her great power and near divine status, the Lich Queen may traverse holy ground if she wishes, but if she chooses to do so she cannot attack, cast spells, or use any abilities.
Undead Creation: If a target player is taken to 0 HP they may be turned into undead. After they leave the encounter they can go about the day as normal but in the night they will turn into zombies and join in with the Lichd. A healer can cure this effect. Healing: The lich queen can "heal" herself and any (and all) of her minions between encounters, battles, or duels.
Necromantic Touch: The Lich Queen can drain life force from living beings with a touch, weakening them and healing herself. To do this she must call out "necro touch" and if she touches a player, monster, or NPC she reduces them to 1 HP and she gains 2 HP. This cannot be blocked by armor and is considered piercing.
Death Ray: A powerful, concentrated beam of necrotic energy that can instantly kill or critically injure a target. If a player is hit with the spell pack the Lich queen chooses the result. They are either reduced to 1 HP or they loose a limb. This must be called out by the Lich queen and is a yellow spell pack. The Lich Queen can perform this action six times per encounter, battle, or duel (6x)
Control Undead: She has complete dominion over all undead creatures, able to command them with a thought. Any undead creatues, monsters, players, or NPCs that come within eye site of the Lich Queen may fall under her control. To do this she must call this ability out, point at the target, and make eye contact with the target. From that point on, until the target is either destroyed or in some other way released, they are at the control of the Lich Queen and will fighter for her.
Immune to: Charm, Sleep, Piercing, Backstab

The Rod of Orcus

A sinister, bone-white staff topped with a grinning skull, the Rod of Orcus is a conduit of pure necrotic energy. Its surface is etched with arcane symbols that glow an ominous red in the dark. Legend has it that the rod was forged in the heart of the Abyss, infused with the essence of Orcus himself.


Damage: 4 damage on a strike. Can block as a shield/counts as a shield.

Fireball: Can cast Fireball 3 times an encounter (4 damage but can be blocked by shield and armor)

Soul Reap: The wielder can extend the rod and touch a living creature. This must be called out, ignores armor but not shields. If the target is succesfully touched by the Rod of Orcus after this is called out, their soul is irrevocably bound to the rod, granting the wielder temporary hit points equal to the target’s maximum hit points. The target is instantly killed and becomes a ghost under the control of the Lich Queen. The target player may only be resurrected by divine powers.
Divine Classification
Major Power
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Whorshiper of Orcus

What is an NPC

If you’d like to play, but want to reduce costs, then you can sign up as an NPC or Monster. If you choose to play as an NPC or monster, you may be given a role (perhaps more than one). You can specify a combat or non-combat role. You don’t have to choose a class and culture as an NPC, we will choose one for you. You will receive double experience points, standard starting gold, and are eligible for Royalty Points. You will also get an entry at half price.


Monsters, NPCs, and Staff allow the LARP to run smoothly and help players who don't know exactly what they want to play, or that want to help, and/or need help with discounts to take part in the LARP.

The BIG Difference

between an NPC and an Adventurer is that an NPC’s primary job is to help the story move forward and to help players. NPCs fill jobs like healers, essential townsfolk roles, etc.

This article has no secrets.


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