Orcus the Demon Lord

Demon Lord of the Abyss

The towering, bulbous form is a bulwark of crimson flesh. Horns, black as onyx, crest its sloping forehead, curving forward to evoke the unnerving image of a sneering, skeletal ram. Pinpoints of hellfire—white-hot—peer from the hollows of the fiend’s eyes as it exhales smoke and steam, the stench of rot and refuse almost overwhelming. A pair of draconic wings unfurl from the malevolent prince’s back, the tattered membrane pallid and translucent. Chains draped with humanoid skulls clatter against the demon’s black plate armor as it steps forward on stout legs that end in hooves. It hefts a wicked-looking mace and looses an otherworldly roar.

Divine Domains

Orcus's influence extends over the realms of death, undeath, and necromancy. His dark magic can reanimate corpses, corrupt living beings, and drain the life force from his enemies. He thrives in places of decay and darkness, where his power is strongest.


The Rod of Orcus is his most feared weapon, a dark artifact capable of raising the dead and unleashing devastating necrotic energy. His symbol, a skull-tipped wand, is often worn by his followers as a mark of allegiance. Temples and altars dedicated to Orcus are adorned with bones, skulls, and other macabre decorations, serving as focal points for his dark power.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Followers: Orcus commands a vast legion of followers, including necromancers, undead creatures, and demonic entities. His most devoted servants are the Cult of Orcus, a fanatical group of necromancers and death priests who seek to gain his favor through dark rituals and sacrifices. These cultists are often seen performing gruesome rites in his name, summoning undead horrors to do their bidding.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Orcus is driven by an insatiable hunger for power and control. He is cunning, ruthless, and merciless, delighting in the suffering and corruption of living souls. His twisted sense of humor often manifests in cruel and ironic punishments for those who oppose him. Though he revels in chaos and destruction, Orcus is also a strategic mastermind, always planning his next move to expand his dark empire.

Personality Characteristics


Orcus's ultimate goal is to conquer all realms, transforming them into lifeless wastelands filled with his undead minions. He seeks to overthrow other powerful beings, including rival demon lords and gods, to establish himself as the supreme ruler of all existence. His insidious influence can corrupt even the purest of souls, turning them into willing pawns in his quest for domination.


Orcus the Demon Lord

Master (Trivial)

Towards Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin



Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin

Servant (Vital)

Towards Orcus the Demon Lord



Orcus the Demon Lord

Master (Trivial)

Towards Lich Queen



Lich Queen

Servant (Vital)

Towards Orcus the Demon Lord



Orcus the Demon Lord

Master (Trivial)

Towards Syndri




Servant (Important)

Towards Orcus the Demon Lord



The Rod of Orcus

A sinister, bone-white staff topped with a grinning skull, the Rod of Orcus is a conduit of pure necrotic energy. Its surface is etched with arcane symbols that glow an ominous red in the dark. Legend has it that the rod was forged in the heart of the Abyss, infused with the essence of Orcus himself.


Damage: 4 damage on a strike. Can block as a shield/counts as a shield.

Fireball: Can cast Fireball 3 times an encounter (4 damage but can be blocked by shield and armor)

Soul Reap: The wielder can extend the rod and touch a living creature. This must be called out, ignores armor but not shields. If the target is succesfully touched by the Rod of Orcus after this is called out, their soul is irrevocably bound to the rod, granting the wielder temporary hit points equal to the target’s maximum hit points. The target is instantly killed and becomes a ghost under the control of the Lich Queen. The target player may only be resurrected by divine powers.
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Most Unclean
Lord of the Abyss
Lord of the Undead
The Undead One
The Lord of Embers
Quotes & Catchphrases
I will be the last creature when I am done. The cosmos will then be perfect, free of the braying abominations that are all other living things.


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