Silvan Ri

When Mother Ranessa created the world she first gave birth to her daughter Silvan Ri. Silvan Ri is the goddess of the silver moon, rivers, night time, and magical protection. She is a beautiful and powerful goddess, and she loved all of her children.

The Silver Lady protects the rivers, which are sacred to her. She makes sure that the water is clean and pure, and that the fish and other creatures that live in the rivers are safe. The Silver Lady is also the goddess of night time. She loves the darkness, and she finds it to be a time of peace and tranquility. She often walks through the forest at night, and she talks to the animals and the plants. The Silver Lady is a kind and loving goddess, and she is always willing to help those in need.

Divine Domains

The Silver Moon
Night time
Magical Proteciton


Moonlit Staff of Lunara: A staff crafted from ancient wood and adorned with silver filigree. It channels the protective magic of Silvan-ri, enhancing the defensive spells of its wielder.
Shield of the Silver River: A shimmering shield that represents the flowing strength of Silvan-ri's rivers. It is said to deflect both physical and magical attacks, providing unparalleled protection.
Amulet of Nocturnal Harmony: A mystical amulet that glows with the light of the silver moon. It grants its wearer enhanced abilities in night vision and a deeper connection to the protective magic of Silvan-ri.

Holy Books & Codes

The Lunar Codex: The primary holy text of Silvan-ri's followers. It contains teachings on the importance of rivers, the mysteries of nighttime, and the power of magical protection.
The Chronicles of Lunara: A collection of stories and hymns that celebrate the beauty of the night and the protective grace of Silvan-ri.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Silver Moon

Tenets of Faith

Serenity of Night: Followers believe that the nighttime is a time of peace and reflection. They seek to find tranquility in the quiet hours, using the cover of darkness to rejuvenate their spirits.
Power of Rivers: Silvan-ri teaches that rivers are the lifeblood of the land. Her followers honor and protect waterways, understanding their vital role in sustaining life and magic.
Magical Protection: Protection through magic is a core tenet of Silvan-ri's faith. Followers study and practice defensive spells, ensuring the safety and well-being of their communities.
Harmony with Nature: Silvan-ri's teachings emphasize living in harmony with the natural world. Her followers strive to protect the environment and maintain the balance between man and nature.


Night of the Silver Moon: Celebrated on the first full moon of summer, this holiday honors Silvan-ri's command of the silver moon. Followers gather by rivers and waterways to perform rituals of protection and to celebrate the magic of the night.
Festival of the Enchanted Waters: An annual festival where followers create and release lanterns into rivers to honor Silvan-ri. It is a time to celebrate the beauty and life-giving properties of water.
Eve of Nocturnal Shield: A night dedicated to performing protective spells and rituals. Followers fortify their homes and communities with magical barriers, invoking the protective power of Silvan-ri.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Lunara is a place of ethereal beauty, where rivers of liquid silver flow through lush, enchanted forests, and the night sky is perpetually illuminated by the gentle glow of the silver moon. This realm embodies the serenity and mystique of nighttime, as well as the protective magic that Silvan-ri governs. It is a sanctuary for those seeking solace and protection under the cover of night.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Silvan-ri is a deity of mystical beauty and serene power. She embodies the dual aspects of nighttime tranquility and protective magic. Silvan-ri inspires her followers to find peace in the stillness of night and to use their magical abilities to shield themselves and others from harm. Her unwavering dedication to the protection of rivers and the natural world makes her a beloved and revered figure among her faithful. Silvan-ri is often depicted as a graceful figure draped in silver robes, wielding the Moonlit Staff of Lunara, with the silver moon casting its gentle light around her.


Contacts & Relations

Silvan-ri has a very strong alliance with Eilistraee, and as a matter of fact the two are often confused by those that are not schooled in their respective faiths.



Sister (Vital)

Towards Silvan Ri



Silvan Ri

Sister (Vital)

Towards Lyss




Silvan-ri and Lyss act as loving sisters toward each other and often work together within their domains to help one another and help the followers of the 7 moons.


Brother (Vital)

Towards Silvan Ri



Silvan Ri

Sister (Vital)

Towards Valorous




The two get along very well although the relationship is often seen as a bit formal but cordual.

Silvan Ri

Sister (Vital)

Towards Brynus




Brother (Vital)

Towards Silvan Ri




The two get along well and Silvan-ri often sees herself as a calming influence upon her little brother.

Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Lyss (Sister)
Valorous (Brother)
Brynus (Brother)
Aligned Organization


Author's Notes

created by Bryan Roberts in 1994

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