
Son of Ranessa, Valorous commands the radiant moon not unlike that of his sister Lyss. More than any of his other siblings, he inherited the physical strength and resilience of his mother. As a deity of battle, and strength, he inspires his followers to rise to challenges and attain glory in the face of adversity. As a deity of sacrifice and endurance, his faithful dedicate themselves to serving others, no matter the cost.

Born of divine lineage, Valorous inherited the mantle of his mother's strength and resilience. His presence exuded an aura of unwavering determination, his countenance a reflection of both the fires of battle and the somber grace of sacrifice. Draped in armor adorned with intricate designs reminiscent of the Dawn Lands' martial heritage, he stood as the living testament to the virtues of honor and courage.

The moon that bore his likeness—a radiant orb mirroring the visage of Luna—glimmered in the night sky, casting its silvery light upon the lands below. It was a symbol of Valorous's unwavering guidance, a celestial beacon that illuminated the path of those who faced adversity with valor in their hearts. The moon's phases echoed the ebb and flow of battles and trials, a reminder that victory often followed tribulation, and glory was the reward of righteous sacrifice.

In the lands where Valorous's worship thrived, temples and shrines were erected to honor his name. Here, warriors, champions, and those who sought strength in their trials would gather to pay homage. The air was thick with the scent of strong drink, a libation offered to Valorous before battles as a symbol of unity and shared purpose. Devotees sought his blessings for strength, endurance, and the courage to face life's challenges head-on.

  Valorous's domain extended beyond the battlefield, for he was also a patron of righteous death—the belief that one's passing in defense of a just cause would be met with honor and reverence. Those who perished in battle were said to ascend to the Halls of Valor, a realm where heroes feasted and fought alongside the gods for all eternity.

It was said that Valorous's guidance was particularly potent during times of great conflict, when the clash of armies echoed like thunder across the land. Warriors invoked his name, drawing strength from his divine presence to inspire acts of daring courage. His symbol, a shield and sword crossed in harmony, became an emblem of unity and resilience, representing the unbreakable bond between valor and sacrifice.

As generations unfolded and the Dawn Lands continued to forge their legacy, Valorous's influence endured. Tales of his unwavering might and the sacred virtue of sacrifice were passed down through the ages, reminding mortals that victory was often born from the crucible of hardship. His name was invoked in oaths of brotherhood, and his symbol adorned the banners of those who fought for righteousness.

Divine Domains

War and sacrifice
Glory Righteous death
Strong drink


Moonblade of Valoria: A legendary sword forged from a shard of the radiant moon itself. It glows with a silvery light and is said to grant its wielder unparalleled strength and resilience in battle.
Shield of Endurance: An indestructible shield that symbolizes the unyielding spirit of Valorous. It is believed to protect its bearer from any harm, allowing them to endure the fiercest of assaults.
Amulet of Sacrifice: A mystical amulet that radiates a calming aura. It is worn by those who have dedicated their lives to serving others, enhancing their ability to heal and protect their companions.

Holy Books & Codes

The Luminary Codex: The primary holy text of Valorous' followers. It contains teachings, parables, and hymns that extol the virtues of strength, endurance, and self-sacrifice.   The Chronicles of Valoria: An epic collection of stories detailing the heroic deeds of Valorous and his most devout followers. These tales serve as inspiration and guidance for the faithful.

Tenets of Faith

Strength in Adversity: Followers believe that true strength is forged in the crucible of adversity. They seek out challenges and strive to overcome them, gaining honor and glory in the process.
Sacrifice for Others: Valorous teaches that the greatest act of strength is the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the greater good. His faithful are known for their selflessness and dedication to serving others.
Endurance and Resilience: Endurance is a core tenet of Valorous' faith. Followers are taught to withstand hardship with unwavering resolve, embodying the resilience of their deity.
Honor and Valor: Upholding honor and valor in all actions is paramount. Followers are expected to act with integrity, courage, and respect for their comrades and adversaries alike.


Radiance Day: Celebrated on the first full moon of spring, this holiday honors Valorous' command of the moon. Followers gather to share stories of bravery and perform feats of strength.
Day of Endurance: A solemn day of fasting and physical trials, observed to commemorate the sacrifices made by Valorous and his devotees. It is a time for reflection and rededication to the deity's tenets.
Gloryfest: An annual festival held at the height of Philosia, where followers compete in various challenges and tournaments to demonstrate their prowess and earn the favor of Valorous.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Valorous, son of Ranessa, commands the radiant moon, a celestial realm bathed in silver light. This realm, known as Valoria, is a place of eternal twilight, where the sky is always illuminated by the gentle glow of the moon. The landscape is rugged and majestic, with towering mountains, vast plains, and ancient forests, reflecting the strength and endurance Valorous embodies. Valoria is a haven for warriors, a place where the bravest souls are welcomed to train and prepare for their next great challenge.



Valorous is a deity of immense physical strength and indomitable spirit. He is both a fierce warrior and a compassionate protector, embodying the dual aspects of battle and sacrifice. Valorous inspires his followers to rise above their limitations and face challenges head-on, earning glory and honor through their deeds. His unwavering dedication to serving others and his enduring resilience make him a beloved and revered figure among his faithful. Valorous is often depicted as a towering figure clad in silver armor, wielding the Moonblade of Valoria and the Shield of Endurance, with the radiant moon shining brightly above him.



Sister (Vital)

Towards Valorous




Brother (Vital)

Towards Lyss




Lyss and Valorous get along well and often work together.


Brother (Vital)

Towards Silvan Ri



Silvan Ri

Sister (Vital)

Towards Valorous




The two get along very well although the relationship is often seen as a bit formal but cordual.


Brother (Vital)

Towards Brynus




Brother (Vital)

Towards Valorous




Valorous loves his little brother very much and sees himself as a true big brother and mentor. He knows that many of his family see Brynus as a little chaotic but Valorous realizes how caring Brynus is and what a big heart he has.

Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Lyss (Sister)
Silvan Ri (Sister)
Brynus (Brother)
Aligned Organization


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