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Ruling Council

The Ruling Council is the highest branch of the Civilian Government, deciding the course forward for the Empire. As the only body able to put the High Commander in check they serve as the balance to the militaries advances. The Council is made up of nine members, one representing the interests of each sector at an Imperial level and serving the highest level of government on an internal level. With a history leading back to the earliest founding of the UEA with Councilors taken from each of the major powers the old world orders.



After the Fourth World War and the official unification of Earth came the first real crisis of the United Earth Administration (UEA) how to govern the newly united peoples. Granting power and representation to the newly conquered nations as a show of good faith. Given a Councilor to each of the formerly conquered power nations. The first nine Councilors representing the former European Union, Chinese, Russians, Indians, Americans, Africans, South East Asians, South Americans, and Australians. Finding initial success in the keeping the peoples of Earth united and driving forward with common purpose the Ruling Council of the UEA became the highest authority of civilian government. Allowing each of these regions to still largely self govern but now all working to common cause the UEA entered an unprecedented golden age

Even with ever growing prosperity the contention between the peoples of Earth wasn't something that could be quelled quietly. The Councilors, and First High Commander knew they had to find common cause for the people to rally behind, in order to rebuild atop the ashes of war. The Councilors settled on expansion, with the number of people sustained colonization requires, it would take all the people to make it successful. Each Councilor given over sight of a different colonial region humanity quickly built an interconnected, and interdependent colonial empire. No regions colonies able to fully support themselves they needed one another, giving the settlers and their families back home reason to cooperate. In the early days, this method was largely successful taking the already prospering UEA into an era unlike anything ever seen before.

Limited by the the speed of travel colonization was confined to the solar system, and each colony quickly grew. With each rapidly approaching self self-sufficiency the Council began feeling the crunch. With a renewed focus on FTL progress began to be made, and human expansion again found itself in a new era.

Third Wave of Expansion

With the invention of the Faster than Light Travel humanity was no longer bound by the limitations of distance humanity was free to expand across the stars. Booming rapidly the number of colonies grew exponentially stretching the logistical capacity of the UEA to its limits. The Council was reorganized into administrative districts that would be slowly consolidated as new sectors would need to be founded. The intention was that as colonies grew regions would be slowly merged as needs changed. Now more regional than the initial expansion efforts. The quick expansion saw the foundation of the Sector System, initially just the First and Second, soon after the Third was founded with three Councilors monitoring each. This arrangement held for a period of centuries, before again the empire grew larger than could be managed in this arrangement.

Fourth Wave of Expansion

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