Gossan Settlement in Deabros | World Anvil


Gossan, founded in 508, has emerged as a cornerstone in the industrial landscape of Keltia, strategically positioned on the southern edge of the Channel of Commerce. Its geographic placement, south-southwest of Port Keltia, not only anchors it as a vital industrial village within Keltia but also as a key node in the broader trade networks that crisscross the region. While Gossan is well-integrated into global sea routes, offering it direct access to international markets and resources, its terrestrial connectivity is singularly focused, with a road linking it exclusively to Port Keltia.   This unique positioning has allowed Gossan to thrive as a specialized hub for the processing and manufacturing of Keltia's abundant natural resources. The village's industries range from metalworking and timber processing to more niche sectors that cater to specific demands of distant markets. The maritime gateway ensures that Gossan's output reaches far beyond Keltia's shores, contributing significantly to the nation's economic vitality.   Despite its industrial character, Gossan retains a strong link to its natural surroundings, with careful planning to ensure that its growth and operations do not detrimentally impact the environment. This commitment to sustainability is reflected in the village's infrastructure and operations, which are designed to be as eco-friendly as possible, benefiting not only the local ecosystem but also setting a standard for industrial practices in Keltia and beyond.   The road to Port Keltia is more than just a physical link; it's a lifeline that connects Gossan's industrial prowess with Port Keltia's shipbuilding and fishing expertise. This symbiotic relationship enhances Keltia's economic resilience, making it a formidable player in the region. Gossan's strategic location, coupled with its industrial acumen and commitment to sustainability, underscores its role as an essential component of Keltia's ambition to forge a prosperous future through balanced and thoughtful development.


Total Population: 913
  • Vesynite: 402 (44.03%)
  • Kalashtar: 183 (20.04%)
  • Dwarf: 131 (14.35%)
  • Elf: 110 (12.05%)
  • Gnome: 29 (3.18%)
  • Orc: 29 (3.18%)
  • Eladrin: 15 (1.64%)
  • Lenosite: 7 (0.77%)
  • Fairy: 7 (0.77%)

Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Deabros Map in 691


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