New Keltia Island Geographic Location in Deabros | World Anvil

New Keltia Island

New Keltia Island is a geographical marvel located within the vast expanses of the Leon Sea, defined by its diverse landscapes ranging from lush forests and rugged highlands to fertile valleys and meandering rivers. This island serves as the physical foundation for the nation of Keltia, a land shaped by its natural beauty and strategic location. Bordered by the Leon Sea to the north and the Hope Strait to the south, New Keltia Island lies at the crossroads of important trade routes and cultural exchanges, particularly with the mystical lands of Talashan to the west and the broader world beyond.   Keltia, the nation born on the shores of New Keltia Island, is a testament to cultural diversity and resilience. Established in the wake of upheaval that reshaped the mainland's socio-political landscape, Keltia has evolved into a sanctuary for those seeking refuge and a new start. The nation comprises several key settlements, including the vibrant shipwright and fishing community of Port Keltia, the industrial village of Gossan, the capital city Artanar, and the trade-centric Unicaro. Each plays a crucial role in the nation's economy and cultural identity, embodying Keltia's commitment to innovation, diversity, and environmental stewardship.   As a geographic location, New Keltia Island offers a rich array of natural resources and scenic beauty, which the nation of Keltia harnesses respectfully, ensuring a balance between growth and preservation. The distinction between the island and the nation underscores the deep connection between the land and its people, where the natural environment shapes the community's ethos and the nation's identity.   In essence, New Keltia Island is not just the setting for the nation of Keltia but a central character in its story, influencing the development, culture, and aspirations of the Keltian people. Together, the island and the nation stand as symbols of hope, unity, and the enduring spirit of its inhabitants, offering a brighter future shaped by the lessons of the past.

Alternative Name(s)
Keltia Island
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Inhabiting Species
Deabros Map in 691


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